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5 Takeaways Personalization Power at Scale

Personalization Power With a Push: Top 5 Takeaways

On June 18, AdMonsters hosted a webinar with Powerinbox, Personalization Power at Scale featuring Jeff Kupietzky, CEO, Powerinbox; Max Dennis, Director of Audience Development, Assembly; and Chip Schaible, Director of National Account Sales, IQVIA. The webinar examined the intricacies of this burgeoning channel while highlighting its growing revenue potential. Here…

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Advertising Industry Learning and Professional Development

Webinar Replay: Personalization With a Push

In this video recap of our webinar with Powerinbox, Personalization With a Push, publishers Max Dennis, Director of Audience Development, Assembly and Chip Schaible Director of National Account Sales, IQVIA join Powerinbox's CEO Jeff Kupietzky to discuss their experiences with leveraging browser push notifications. You'll learn all about the intricacies of…

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How Ad Targeting Reinforces Bias

It's a harrowing time. First, we were hit with the COVID pandemic, and in recent weeks, protests and discussions about racial inequities in America have taken the main stage. Businesses are questioning their operating practices (or sometimes being called out for them and canceled) and uncovering how unconscious biases might…

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Liberate Ad Ops By Integrating Automation

In contemporary ad ops, the repetitive and voluminous tasks we handle remain huge—whether they are performed in-house or outsourced. Just beginning to integrate automation will significantly reduce ops’ trafficking time and free them up for more valuable analysis and client care.

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Remember the Times: AdMonsters Top 10 Stories of 2018

For digital media and advertising 2018 has been a really exciting, but often bumpy, roller coaster ride. As far as ad operations is concerned, blockchain, artificial intelligence, location services, and mobile-first everything are offering promising monetization alternatives and other opportunities that bring publishers and brands closer to audiences in more…

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The Drawbacks of AI-Based Dynamic Inventory Pricing

We seem to be in that sweet moment where artificial intelligence (actually advanced machine learning, but who are we to split hairs?) is more than just buzz and potential, but before the machines have enslaved us and forced us to farm their massive energon cube plantations. That day is coming—I…

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