
Give The People What They Want—How Complex Networks Taps Into Audiences To Increase Value

In response to the disappearing cookie and privacy regulations, Complex Networks created Complex Collective—something akin to a research panel—including 30,000 brand enthusiasts who provide the company direct dialogue and feedback on editorial content, trends, consumer attitudes, and new products. They're leveraging it as both a sales tool and a consumer…

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Are Programmatic Demand Vendors Becoming An Endangered Species?

Are programmatic demand vendors becoming an endangered species like the Sirocco Kakapo parrot? Well, if they're not careful they just might be. Many SSPs aren't giving publishers the data they need to optimize their programmatic yield and meet revenue goals. Ad-Juster's Programmatic Scorecard evaluates the top 10 programmatic demand partners based…

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Meetup Debrief: What’s UX Got to do With it?

News flash—context matters! Increasingly, advertisers are realizing the impact of great user experiences on their spend. According to a recent Group M study, ads appearing in quality online environments prove 42% more cost-effective based on engagement, viewability, and dwell time. The pressure on publishers to deliver premium inventory is only…

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CCPA: Costly Confusion for Publishers and Advertisers—A Conversation With David J. Moore, CEO, BritePool

Now that California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra has released a draft of rules to guide companies on California Consumer Privacy Act compliance and the state’s Governor Gavin Newsom has signed seven amendments providing more clarity and lessening some short-term pains around CCPA compliance, word on the street is that initial compliance…

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7 Best Practices for Better Mobile Ads

Increasingly, mobile isn’t just consumers’ first choice for media, but their only choice. Consider that 61% of Gen Z consumers believe watching videos on a phone is “as good as watching TV.” And, according to recent research from Zenith, consumers are expected to increase their mobile internet usage to 930…

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5 Big Takeaways From Ad Week NYC 2019

There were quite a few recurring themes that emerged from last week's Advertising Week New York 2019 (henceforth referred to as #AWNewYork) that struck me as being of great interest to folks in the ad operations and ad tech communities. So after gobbling up all of the information and digesting…

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