
Kim Elgin Keynote Speaker

PubForum Video: Keynote Elgin Kim, Lab1492, on Making Mobile Pay

"We're at a point now where we're going to have to focus on that one-to-one relationship," says mobile expert Elgin Kim, Partner, Lab1492. In this wide-ranging fireside chat with AdMonsters Chairman Rob Beeler, Kim explores the biggest operational and date challenges in apps and mobile web currently while tapping into the most…

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Your Outsourcing Partner Could Be Key to Managing Business Continuity: Q&A With MediaMint’s Jason Riback

In the midst of a pandemic, it’s not like ad operations can just come to a complete halt—even if ad spend continues its downward spiral. Publishers still have to be prepared for the future, because one day—somewhere in the not-so-far-away future—business will once again ramp up. We spoke with MediaMint’s…

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PWA or AMP? Why Not Both?

The mobile web has long been viewed as providing a terrible UX with slow-loading pages and poorly positioned and obtrusive ads. So we can’t even begin to talk about mobile web monetization without highlighting the importance of providing a quality UX that enables optimum user engagement. Together—Progressive Web Apps (PWAs)…

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Ad-Juster on Cross-Publisher Revenue Benchmarking

After years of playing guessing games about the competitive strengths and weaknesses of their direct-sold advertising, publishers now have a way to compare their individual performance against others in the industry with Ad-Juster's FlowIQ Benchmark solution. We spoke with Dan Lawton, Ad-Juster's CMO & CBDO, to learn more about how…

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What Can Blockchain Really Do for Advertising in 2020?

Back in 2018, there was a lot of hype about blockchain saving advertising and Senior Editor Lynne d Johnson was riding the wave—high. Now that the hype is over, there are actually quite a few projects proving every day that blockchain and related technologies like cryptography and permissioned ledgers can…

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