Search results for apachesolr_search/second-party data

2000 Results

How Pure is Your Pure Platform?

Before I get started, and in the interest of full disclosure, our company is in the business of providing a data management platform to publishers, advertisers, and just about anyone else that may benefit from one.  Our product, Crowd Control, is a powerful online data management system that has served…

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What DrupalCon Taught Me About Mobile Advertising

I hope everyone enjoyed the AdMonsters Memphis Publisher Forum. I was in Memphis on Sunday night and then made my way to Chicago for a conference called DrupalCon. AdMonsters is a Drupal site and we were very pleased to participate in this event. I took away a LOT of knowledge…

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AdMonsters SE Asia

Interested in the latest in Ad Operations and Ad Technology?    If you are a commercial director or ad operations professional, this event is for you!Web Wednesday is partnering with AdMonsters to bring the first AdMonsters event to the Asia-Pacific region.Breaking News & UpdatesKeynote Speaker: Ruth Stubbs, President iProspect and Digital…

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Uncovering the Value of Publisher’s Data

Editor's Note: aiMatch recently released an eBook, "Building A Solid Data Strategy" which you can download free from their site. In this post Chris Hanburger, VP of Sales at aiMatch, discusses the need for publishers to have a data foundation.A lot of people in our industry are talking about data. …

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Display is back, but is the impression dead?

I’m back in San Francisco for a few days in between the IAB Annual Leadership Meeting (IABALM) and AdMonsters Publisher Forum XIV in Memphis. IABALM is a sea of C-level execs from “all” the top media and technology companies and I ran into a ton of old friends as well…

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Joe Luna of Fox News Digital on Video Advertising

Joe Luna is Manager of Yield and Inventory at Fox News Digital. He works closely with sales, production, and the trafficking groups to identify valuable inventory, set pricing strategies, and help define new ad opportunities. Joe will be presenting “Maximizing Video Revenue” at the AdMonsters Publisher Forum in Memphis. In…

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Paul Geller of Grooveshark on Ad Ops and Consumer Privacy

Leading up to our US Publisher Forum in Memphis AdMonsters will be asking some of the speakers a few questions on their respective topics. Paul Geller will be presenting "Privacy, Consumer Protection for Global Ad Ops" at the Publisher Forum. Paul is the Senior Vice President for Information Products at…

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Maximum Scrub Rates are Lazy and Damaging

Anyone in their right mind who reads about, works towards or is rewarded because of the strong growth in online lead generation must surely wonder what loss of rational thought resulted in the commercialisation of "maximum scrub rates". Discuss. So, the first student to complete a BA in “The Beatles”…

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