Search results for apachesolr_search/remnant ad networks

2840 Results

What We’ll be Talking about in 2009

The coming of a new year brings out the prognosticators in full force and there are plenty of predictions for what's coming in 2009 out there. The difference this year versus prior years is the size and degree of the disclaimers that come with these predictions. Never have I seen…

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Planning the Launch of a Contract Management Application

By the time publishers are seriously considering contract management services, they have experienced such operational pain that they are ready to do the proverbial “head nod”. In other words, as an organization they acknowledge the need WITHOUT understanding the implications on operations and workflow. In order to successfully launch contract…

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Trading Ideas on Trading Systems

On December 11th, the IAB UK and AdMonsters hosted a technical forum on buy-side trading systems. While I was not able to attend myself, all indications are that the event succeeded in bringing together the relevant stakeholders from leading agencies and media owners in the UK. The two groups collaborated…

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Quick Link: FTC Cracks Down on Malvertising Companies

The FTC issued a press release on Wednesday regarding companies that distribute malicious code through advertising: Original Article: Court Halts Bogus Computer Scans summary: FTC lays down the law on Errorsafe/Malvertising Malvertising/Malware continues to plague our industry, hurting the reputation of major publishers, agencies and networks and convincing more…

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Taking Control of Your Inventory Reports

When it comes to inventory reports, we don’t go far enough in creating the solutions that fit our needs. As an industry, our mindset is to do the best we can, and live with the cards we are dealt by whatever ad serving solution we utilize. But the truth of…

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The challenge of buy-side trading systems

This past October was my first opportunity to attend an AdMonsters in Europe and my expectation is that I'd find European ad operation teams dealing with similar issues as we do in the US, but I was excited that perhaps it would present some unique ideas and approaches to these…

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Giving more than just bad news

Nick Denton, CEO of Gawker Media, has his own take on what online ad spend will look like in 2009 and it's not pretty. It's a compelling argument and gloomier than anything else I've read. But with this bad news, Denton also provides a plan - something most ad spend…

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Managing ad networks during tough times

The Wall Street Journal is one of the latest to point out that the field of ad networks is overcrowded. Expect a steady stream over the next number of months of ad networks closing their doors, laying people off or consolidating. For ad operations it's important to prepare for the…

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AdMonsters reporting back from IAB Ad Ops Summit 2008

In our last update we provided some highlights from Bowen's talk at DPAC II early last week about the need for renewed and increased focus on operational excellence in online ad operations. Later in the week we attended the fourth annual IAB Ad Operations Summit, held October 30, 2008, at…

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Bowen Dwelle speaks of operational excellence at DPAC conference

Bowen Dwelle, founder and CEO of AdMonsters, spoke at the second Digital Publishing and Advertising conference (DPAC II) on Tuesday, October 27, 2008 in New York on the need for a renewed focus on operational excellence. In his presentation, "Operations Reality Check", Bowen incorporated themes from the conference: continued growth…

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