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2842 Results

Publisher Forum: Mobile

Making Big Money in Mobile With nearly 110 million mobile smartphone subscribers and 30 million tablet users in the US, consumers are accessing content anytime, anywhere. As this trend continues, every publisher invested in mobile needs a monetization strategy for their mobile initiatives. Learn how you can convert your mobile…

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How Consumers Are Driving a New Acceptance of Mobile Advertising

Anyone who has been working in mobile advertising for any significant amount of time could easily count enough ‘revolutions,’ ‘Year(s) of Mobile,’ or 2.0 moments to need both hands. For the most part, these innovations and moments have resulted in stunning capabilities but very little ROI growth. This is because…

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Getting Real With Remarketing

Interest-based remarketing has been available to the industry for years. Today, most marketers who’ve been using remarketing execute it wisely -- and with skill. As a single method, remarketing has practically become an industry standard.But, if you look closely, this approach appears to be a preferred performance marketing measure. At…

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Pricing Implications of Viewable Impressions

I’ve been asked by several publishers what I think about viewable impressions. While there has been lots of press extolling its virtues and equal amounts of questions and concerns about the implications, there hasn’t been a realistic discussion of how to manage the pricing of viewable impressions (VI). A core selling…

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Advancing Outsourced Ad Ops Efforts in India

India is one of the global leaders in the overall services outsourcing market. This is a well-established fact and outsourcing has contributed significantly to the growth in key Indian cities such as Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad since late 90s. Everyone – right from the bigger Industry players such as Microsoft,…

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Keeping Pace With Privacy Standards: Q&A With TRUSTe UK

Somehow on May 26, when the UK's version of the dreaded EU Cookie Directive came into force, the Internet did not crumble and burn to ashes. That could be partially credited to the last-minute (almost literally) addition of "implied consent" by the Information Commissioner, but many British publishers have had…

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Why Publishers Are Now Scrambling for Viewable Impressions Audits

Most CFOs and CEOs don’t like surprises. Wall Street doesn’t either.If you’re an online publisher, what’s likely got you scrambling now is the IAB/4A’s/ANA timeline for viewable impressions: starting Q1, parallel reporting begins. Not only will publishers be expected to report served impressions the same way as the past decade—publishers…

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