Search results for apachesolr_search/publisher forum columbia gorge

1000 Results

Jounce: Duplicate Auctions Still on the Rise

Most publishers these days seem more focused on culling demand partners and supply path optimization than adding Johnny-come-latelys into their headers, so we were surprised to see Jounce Media report that duplicative auctions are up. However, a closer examination revealed even more interesting trends. Read more about it.

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Turnin’ 50 Ain’t That Bad

Each and every Pub Forum is an experience. AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler, sometimes wishes we didn’t call it a conference. “The AdMonsters Experience, Santa Monica 2020” sounds pretty cool, no? It’s because of this, he finds it hard to identify a “favorite Pub Forum” or “favorite location." Here’s his attempt…

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The Big Google Cookie Crumble: 5 Sessions To Help You Prep

Google’s recent announcement that it would follow Safari and Firefox in eliminating third-party tracking cookies—within two years—shook the digital advertising industry like an earthquake off the Richter scale. Are you panicking at the idea that the majority of your inventory will soon lack identifiers? Are you hyperventilating about digital publishers'…

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SSP and DSP Value Is in the Eye of the Publisher

As the main feeder exchanges settles at three—GAM, Amazon's Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM), and Prebid—there’s a great deal more murkiness in the middle; even more cross-pollination as SSPs pine for advertiser spend and DSPs tighten their bonds with premium publishers. The question of “how many intermediaries are actually necessary?” is…

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PubForum Scottsdale: A Pictorial Retrospective

Ops is sexy. Ops is people. Ops is community. If you ever attended an AdMonsters Publisher Forum, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't—sorry for ya 😢. The 3.5 days brings together a small select group of publishers, data professionals and other digital media stars (the unsung…

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