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ADM-NL-20200116-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 16, 2020   Opening a New Programmatic Gateway: Adhese's Post-Cookie Connectors It's the perfect moment for outside-the-box thinking in the open programmatic marketplace as the third-party cookie continues to crumble in the face of privacy initiatives (and regulations) and walled gardens increasingly reap the lion’s share of online…

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ADM-NL-20191128-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 27, 2019   What Are the Use Cases for Log-Level Data? Once considered the “data exhaust” of the industry, log-level data (LLD) has been positioned more recently as a remedy for many of programmatic’s woes. LLD contains many valuable, impression-level details. But that’s not all. There are a…

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ADM-NL-20200109-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 9, 2020   This Is How Some Publishers Are Getting Ready For CCPA If you're thinking GDPR was the warmup for CCPA, think again. It's not even half the battle. Especially not for those publishers who simply decided that cutting off EU traffic was the right play. But…

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ADM-NL-20200102-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 2, 2020   2020 TV and Video Advertising Predictions The increasing shift from linear to digital is rife with challenges—OTT measurement is especially complicated, contributing to ad dollars not exactly following the eyeballs. Plus, tackling the convergence of traditional TV and digital is no easy feat, and there's…

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ADM-NL-20191212-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 12, 2019   AdMonsters Playbook: Fill Rate Survey On the surface, fill rate may seem like a simple enough metric—divide the number of impressions filled by the total number that were potentially available. But in reality, it’s a very difficult calculation to make, particularly with an ever-widening pool…

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ADM-NL-20191205-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters December 5, 2019   SSP and DSP Value Is in the Eye of the Publisher As the main feeder exchanges settles at three—GAM, Amazon's Transparent Ad Marketplace (TAM), and Prebid—there’s a great deal more murkiness in the middle; even more cross-pollination as SSPs pine for advertiser spend and DSPs…

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ADM-NL-20191121-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 21, 2019   Interrupting Regularly Scheduled Programming: Privacy Regulations and the Emerging T/V Ecosystem T/V is in a period of rapid expansion for digitally delivered offerings from major new video streaming services. 28 such branded services will be out by this time next year. There are seven touchpoints…

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ADM-NL-20191114-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 14, 2019   PubForum Wrap-Up: An Internet of Individuals “Let’s not talk about users anymore,” commented WarnerMedia’s Amit Chaturvedi during his Tuesday morning Publisher Forum keynote on thriving during momentous shifts. “Let’s convert them to fans.” That may have seemed like the kind of thing you’d say to…

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ADM-NL-20191031-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 31, 2019   The Great Migration: Major TV Players Moving to Branded Streaming—Here's What it Means For the Ad Ecosystem The streaming wars are really heating up. While Netflix maintains its stronghold—significantly increasing subscribers in Q3—analysts predict that most subscribers will hang on, with some opting to become multi-streaming…

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ADM-NL-20191017-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 17, 2019   CCPA: Costly Confusion for Publishers and Advertisers—A Conversation With David J. Moore, CEO, BritePool While California’s Attorney General Xavier Becerra has released his guide for how companies should comply with CCPA and Governor Gavin Newsom signed seven amendments providing more clarity around the regulation, studies…

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