Search results for apachesolr_search/programmatic brands

1487 Results

Jeremy Lockhorn: Advertising From i-Frontier to His Own Frontier

“You can’t deny the impact of disruptive technologies in the advertising landscape,” says Jeremy Lockhorn, former Mobile Lead at Razorfish. “The Internet, the smart phone, social media, AR/VR/MR, artificial intelligence, and soon 5G. Each of these new technologies (among others) has fundamentally changed consumer behavior and offered an entirely new…

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Yes, Virginia: Blockchain Can Scale

I'm used to the eye rolls whenever I ask ad tech veterans their feelings on the potential of blockchain. I'll be the first to admit the term is sullied following an audacious hype cycle (even for ad tech!) and some scam-tastic initial coin offerings (ICOs). But the technology does seem…

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AdMonsters Meetup Recap: Electrifying Email Strategies

At the recent AdMonsters Meetup: Electrifying Email Strategies, powered by Powerinbox, we dug deep into the weeds with Anthony Viglietti, COO & CFO, theSkimm; Leora Schachter, VP, Digital Products, Trusted Media Brands, Inc.; and Sasha Heroy, Senior Directory, Ad Platforms, The New York Times to learn all about their email…

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In Email We Trust

Consumer trust in social media is greatly waning thanks to the fake news outbreak. It only makes sense that audiences are now turning back to trusted publishers, but they’re doing it in an interesting way. Rather than visiting the home page of their favorite publishers, they’re subscribing to their email…

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What Cannes You Takeaway? Brand Trends

In-housing—programmatic and creative—and social responsibility campaigns were the hottest brand issues at the 2019 Cannes Lions festival. Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway shares his discoveries in each category... While warning yacht-goers about rogue saxophonists.

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ADM-NL-20190627-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 27, 2019   Are Programmatic Demand Vendors Becoming An Endangered Species? Are programmatic demand vendors becoming an endangered species like the Sirocco Kakapo parrot? Well, if they're not careful they just might be. Many SSPs aren't giving publishers the data they need to optimize their programmatic yield and meet…

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ADM-NL-20190620-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 20, 2019   How to Earn Your Audience’s Attention: Vox Media’s Ryan Pauley on Building a Brand That Matters “The average user scrolls through 300-feet worth of news feeds every day—that’s the height of the statue of liberty,” explains Ryan Pauley, CRO of Vox Media, citing one of…

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ADM-NL-20190613-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters June 13, 2019   Ops Is Community At the 2019 Ops conference, a somewhat unexpected word echoed throughout the sessions, from the morning keynote to the final talk: community. The idea of audience is out-of-date, and the term too limiting. Publishers and brands need to be thinking about their…

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ADM-NL-20190509-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters May 9, 2019   Ops Turns 10 The day before Ops 10 years ago, AdMonsters Founder, Bowen Dwelle, had an epiphany: Ops is Sexy. We had never discussed this kind of messaging before, says AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler. All I knew is that I was going to find myself…

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