Search results for apachesolr_search/programmatic brands

1487 Results

Bringing Home Gold at the Opslympics

The world is glued to the Summer Olympics action in London, gazing in wonder as competitors put the human body and spirit to the test. Of course, while these athletes have poured hellacious amounts of blood, sweat and tears into training for this moment – but could they meet the…

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Audience Efficiency: Variations Between Brands and Industries

In previous posts here on AdMonsters I introduced the notion of "audience efficiency’ in targeting and shared some key findings about third-party data from more than 200 client studies. But what does it mean directly for advertisers and their first-party data? Does efficiency vary between industries and between advertisers in…

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Q&A with Sanjit Atwal CEO & Co-Founder of Squawka

When I first heard about second screen companion app Squawka I could barely contain my excitement. As a football (ahem soccer) enthusiast I've always been keen on the stat side of the game and Squawka looks set to be a stat monkey's dream. I sat down with the CEO & co-founder to…

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Evaluating Campaign Success: New vs. Existing Users

"The only man I know who behaves sensibly is my tailor; he takes my measurements anew each time he sees me. The rest go on with their old measurements and expect me to fit them." – George Bernard Shaw Stand back and look at the advancements in online display ads and it’s…

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The AdMonsters Daily Digest – Monday 30 July 2012

Welcome to the AdMonsters Daily Digest! We scour the news for digital advertising and operations news every day so you don’t have to – we’re nice like that. 

 We’ll be updating this page throughout the day but have a peruse of all the news you can use (that’s right –…

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AdMonsters Daily Digest – 27 July 2012

AdMonsters News Round-Up – 27 July 2012Welcome to the AdMonsters Daily Digest! We scour the news for digital advertising and operations news every day so you don’t have to – we’re nice like that. 

We’ll be updating this page throughout the day but have a peruse of all the news you…

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Zeebox: Promoting the Second Screen

Ernesto Schmitt is co-founder and CEO of social TV app company Zeebox. It launched in October last year and in January reported it had 250,000 users. In the same month it sold a 10% stake to BSkyB.The first thing I asked Schmitt was what he thinks are the key opportunities…

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