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1473 Results

Common Publisher Data-Management Pain Points

We’re long past the days of slapping ads on a website to make it profitable. Online advertising has advanced to the point where advertisers need more than just audiences at scale. They want their ads to reach the right audience. If a publisher can’t provide a brand or agency with…

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Q and A with Turn’s VP of Product and Marketing Philip Smolin

At Internet Week in NY, Turn announced it's new data management platform (DMP), called the Turn Audience Platform. According to the press release, the platform, "integrates Fortune 500 brands and leading advertising agencies into the industry’s first open ecosystem for audience targeting, enabling them to discover and connect with the…

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Online Publishers and Smaller Advertisers – Can it work?

Part 1 of 3: Importance of targeting smaller advertisersA majority of online publishers primarily focus their ad sales efforts on agencies and large brand advertisers via their direct sales force. The cost of operation for this sales channel often requires them to set a minimum ad buy per campaign. In conversations…

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The 5 Reasons RTB is less important than you think

All the hype in the display advertising industry has been around real time bidding for the last several years, and rightly so. Finding audiences with precision (cheaply) is marketing nirvana and, with all of the startup companies willing to work their tails off to make their “platforms” work for advertisers,…

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Q and A: Speakers at the Publisher Forum in Amsterdam

Last week AdMonsters held the 16th European Publisher Forum in Amsterdam. Before the conference we asked several of the speakers key questions on topics that are important to ad operations. While all of our conferences are focused exclusively on online ad operations, the Publisher Forum is even more specific in…

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IAB Innovation Days at Internet Week

Last week I attended the IAB Innovation Days event as part of Internet Week here in New York. Here are some of the highlights from the two day event.Emotion in AdvertisingRoss Levinsohn of Yahoo! and Neal Mohan of Google talked about how as an industry we are not connecting with…

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Roaring Rivers, Floods & Tidal Waves

Every day worldwide people are inundated by an ever-increasing amount of information.  And the problem grows worse each year. An April 2011 survey of 200 respondents conducted by pulled back the curtain on our digital lives.  Nearly 50% of respondents reported that they were connected to the internet “from the…

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Managing Disruption

Editor's note: Rob Beeler's blog post originally appeared on ClickZ.As part of my job, I do my best to keep an ear to the ground and keep track of what operations people are talking about. Amazingly enough, it's 2011 and issues like late creative and discrepancies still pop up. Being…

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Armed and Ready to Monetize the Wild World of Connected TV

After years of speculation, the vision for Connected TV is finally becoming a reality, as entrepreneurs take Web TV beyond the browser and give consumers more ways than ever to watch their favorite video content. For publishers, though, “more ways than ever” can be a double-edged sword. Yes, you now…

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The Private Exchange Phenomenon

It seems like every week or so, we get to read another headline about a publisher launching a private exchange on someone’s real-time bidding (RTB) platform.  Some would have you believe that private exchanges are a technological marvel; the greatest thing for publishers since the printing press.  I want to…

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