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748 Results

Network Forum US II

AdMonsters Network Ad Ops Forum An AdMonsters event specifically designed for leaders in online technology and ad operations at advertising networks. Event News & Updates Keynote address: Chris Jay Hoofnagle of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology to present keynote address "Networks, Regulation and Privacy: Understanding where we are…

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Network Forum EU I

AdMonsters Network Ops Forum, co-hosted with IASH Join us at 60 Cannon Street, London for the launch of new AdMonsters event specifically designed for leaders in online technology and ad operations at advertising networks.  AdMonsters, the on-line advertising industry's only professional association exclusively dedicated to operations and technology, will be…

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Ad Ops 360 EU I

Affiliate Organization Training Testimonials "A very realistic viewpoint of ad campaign management. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!"-- Nick Pancorvo, MTV Networks"Well structured and efficient."-- Joanne Nagel, Microsoft "Extremely informative!"-- Arwa Saifee, Veoh Networks "It was a great day! Thank you!"-- Glenn Gillery II, Dow Jones & Co. "This was so…

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Publisher Forum EU V

see also: registration — sponsorship — agenda — travel AdMonsters Europe V was held September 14-16, 2005, at the , in partnership with IAB Europe.   Downloadable AdMonsters Europe V e-brochure We had 40 publisher attendees from 29 companies, including Aftonbladet nya medier, AOL Europe, AOL France, AOL U.K., Bonnier…

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Publisher Forum EU IV

      see also: sponsorship — agenda — travel AdMonsters Europe IV was held February 9-11, 2005, at the , in partnership with IAB Europe.   The final count was 37 member delegates from AdLink,, AOL France & UK, Ask Jeeves, Associated New Media, Belgacom SkyNet, CNet, Financial…

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Publisher Forum EU II

AdMonsters Europe II was held January 14-16, 2004 in conjunction with  at the AC Diplomatic Hotel in Barcelona, Spain. We had 19 member attendees from AOL (UK & Germany), Electronic Group Interactive,, Hollinger Telegraph New Media, iTV Online, Lycos Europe, MSN International, Terra Lycos, and Yahoo! Europe. Danny Meadows-Klue,…

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Publisher Forum EU I

What is AdMonsters? ? AdMonsters Europe • Registration • Sponsorship • Agenda What is AdMonsters?  Founded in 1999, AdMonsters is an independent professional association for senior leaders of advertising technology and advertising operations in online publishing. AdMonsters has hosted eight bi-annual conferences to date in the US, and AdMonsters IX…

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Giving more than just bad news

Nick Denton, CEO of Gawker Media, has his own take on what online ad spend will look like in 2009 and it's not pretty. It's a compelling argument and gloomier than anything else I've read. But with this bad news, Denton also provides a plan - something most ad spend…

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