Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

748 Results

Online Ad Operations: Properly Defined and How to Staff – Part 3

Focus and Clarity Employees perform better with focus. Mixing different job descriptions that might sound like they can co-exist, such as a web producer and a traffic manager in the same role, can create tremendous difficulties that will inevitably result in employee retention challenges and failing campaigns.  I call this…

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Questions for Matt Barash of Fox Audience Network

Matt Barash, Director of Publisher Development at Fox Audience Network, will be speaking at the US Network Ops Forum in San Francisco on June 17. In advance of his presentation we spoke with him about data and related techonologies.Q: Please give us a little information about your background in the…

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Highlights from the 2010 Brightcove Video Monetization Summit

On Wednesday I attended the Brightcove Video Monetization Summit. After a brief geeky starstruck moment - seeing Brightcove CEO Jeremy Allaire (formerly of Allaire and Macromedia) in person and resisting the urge to scream "I LOVE COLDFUSION" at him - I settled in for a long day of video learning.…

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Are you able to execute cross platform deals?

According to the Bain Study “Building Brands Online”, in the next 3 years, brand marketers will spend close to 40% of their budget on cross-platform campaigns (up from roughly 25%).  That’s about $52,000,000,000 being spent on cross platform campaigns in the near future.  Unless you start making changes in your…

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Member Profile – Dirk Fiebig

The AdMonsters community is comprised of the top Ad Operations professionals in the industry. In a new feature for our site, we'll highlight members and ask them about what they are working on as well as their thoughts on a variety of topics.This week we feature Dirk Fiebig, Director of…

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Democratizing Access to Display

As we all know, display advertising can be operationally difficult across numerous elements. For advertisers, complexities arise in buying inventory, reaching the right users, and understanding the effectiveness of campaigns. With the proliferation of ad networks (over 600 globally), it’s not getting any easier. And the media industry continues to…

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Webcast US XII – How Brand Safety Differentiates Networks

  Online Webcast: October 26, 2010 at 1pm EST.OverviewAs brand safety and verification services have taken off in the online advertising space, most networks are simply reacting to this change in how business is done. Others have seen that they can provide a competitive advantage, increase CPMs and help manage…

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