Search results for apachesolr_search/non human traffic

749 Results

What Is Dynamic Flooring?

Continuously establishing the right CPM floors to earn the highest revenue for your ad inventory without sacrificing fill rate is simply impossible to do manually. But it is possible to automate through dynamic flooring.

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Google’s Global Legal Troubles

The tech titan Google has found itself in another antitrust debacle. The EU dropped a bombshell, charging them with violating EU antitrust laws. Google's dominance in online advertising has led them down a slippery slope, undercutting their competitors left and right.

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The State of Programmatic Advertising in 2023

According to a webinar hosted by Comscore, 2023 State of Programmatic, programmatic spend has experienced exponential growth, doubling over the past four years. Data shows that over 91% of $148 billion in digital display dollars are transacted programmatically. Where does this leave the state of programmatic? To get to the bottom…

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Unlocking the Power of Generational Diversity: Strategies for Managing and Leveraging Multigenerational Teams

In a discussion at AdMonsters Ops in NYC titled, “Generational Diversity for the Win,” Amy He, Industry Analyst Lead at Morning Consult; Josef Najim, Global Programmatic and Partnerships Lead with Reuters; William Won, Senior Director, Sales Operations for Brainly; and AdMonsters’ own Content Manager Yakira Young broke down the generational…

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Carbon Offset Your Trip to Cannes Lions

Carbon offsets have received a bad rap from some as a form of greenwashing. However, Brian Murphy, Founder of The Alpine Project, told AdMonsters that carbon removal initiatives are a critical step in the path to net zero. Businesses can ultimately reduce their emissions, so they need to invest in…

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