Search results for apachesolr_search/moving forward

547 Results

The Real Opportunity of Ad Exchanges

It may have been so in the past, but for today’s publishers, exchanges should not be seen simply as a platform for selling your non-guaranteed inventory.  They are fast becoming a solution to enable you to further develop your business whilst helping to maximise your sell-through rates and increase your…

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Solving the Remnant Inventory Problem

As an industry, it’s taken us more than 15 years to get a grip on dealing with remnant ad inventory, but I think there’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Over the past two or three years in particular, the R&D that’s gone toward solving this problem…

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A Three Prong Approach to Monetizing Inventory

Sweeping generalization time: Publishers focus direct sales efforts on maintaining a $20 CPM and when they can't sell it, throw those impressions to remnant networks and hope they get a $1 CPM for it. As I said, it's a sweeping generalization, but most publishers continue to struggle with getting CPMs…

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The Importance of Having a Plan

During a great session "Ad Operations Optimization" in Prague at our European Publisher Forum, Jen Hanks put forward a question to the group asking how many people had 1 to 2 year plans. Few if any hands went up. At first I was shocked having maintained such plans myself for…

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Ad Ops and Cloud Computing

Depending on how much you work with Google applications last week, you probably found yourself unable to access them or at least hindered by how slow things operated. #googlefail as it has been called set off a flurry of articles about the potential dangers of cloud computing and reliance on…

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The challenge of buy-side trading systems

This past October was my first opportunity to attend an AdMonsters in Europe and my expectation is that I'd find European ad operation teams dealing with similar issues as we do in the US, but I was excited that perhaps it would present some unique ideas and approaches to these…

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AdMonsters reporting back from IAB Ad Ops Summit 2008

In our last update we provided some highlights from Bowen's talk at DPAC II early last week about the need for renewed and increased focus on operational excellence in online ad operations. Later in the week we attended the fourth annual IAB Ad Operations Summit, held October 30, 2008, at…

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