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1182 Results

Have We Reached the Limits of Ads.txt?

It's been reported this week that 1,400 mobile apps loaded ads on TV Guide's domain. How did this happen, in an age when everyone's on board with Ads.txt? Well, the answer is simple, but it's not what you want to hear: The buyers just hadn't been scanning those Ads.txt files…

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The Truth About Latency and the Header: A Chat With PubMatic

We’ve long been big header cheerleaders at AdMonsters, but we also have never shied away from one of its biggest setbacks: potential latency issues. Indeed, fear of latency has kept some premium publishers away from header integrations and continues to make others wary about embracing header tech too closely. At…

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AT&T Draws the Battle Lines

With AT&T ready to acquire AppNexus, are the duopoly's days numbered? It's too soon to tell. But with Congress broadening ISPs' capacity to handle user data, the big telecoms are in a position to create end-to-end ad buying solutions. And, says Gavin Dunaway, that's exactly what advertisers want.

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Video Replay: Kill Complexity and Boost Revenue

Complexity has long been the greatest foe of publisher revenue teams and arguably the digital advertising space. However, cutting through the tangled webs of processes and technology—while minimizing revenue consequences—requires delicate and strategic maneuvering. Enough is enough—stop struggling to manage exploding data, integrations and reporting needs of the daily business. Stop…

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Erica Osher

Listening and Learning With Branded Audio Content

Ops panelist Erica Osher from NPR/NPM explains her team's process for producing and distributing branded audio content. Podcasts are booming, smart speakers are proliferating, and there's been a lot to learn and master in creating branded content that takes off in the often intimate audio format.

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Clearing the Way for In-App Transparency

To deliver on the potential of automated buying and selling in the in-app space, advertisers, publishers and our industry as a whole are doubling down on transparency initiatives that make it harder for issues like fraud to take root and restore the faith in the good actors. Here’s a look…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Building a Video Business

As broadband connectivity and processor speeds have rapidly accelerated, consumer behavior online has gradually shifted from reading to viewing hours and hours of video. Call it the “TV-ification” of the web—the internet has become a video-centric experience. The “Show Me, Don’t Tell Me” revolution in consumer behavior online is fully…

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Spare Some Change: A Conversation With Ops Keynote Tom Goodwin

“Digital Darwinism” aims to launch larger philosophical conversations about how technology is changing a variety of businesses from top to bottom. How does one adapt in the digital age—slowly in small increments or rapidly and dramatically? Gavin Dunaway catches up with Ops 2018 keynote Tom Goodwin to discuss the concepts…

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