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1182 Results

ADM-NL-20191024-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters October 23, 2019   WarnerMedia’s Amit Chaturvedi Embraces Rebirth, Renewal of His Career “We have more content and more ways to consume content than in the history of time. If you’re in this business, the moment of time we’re in right now will be written in the annals of…

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What Is Google’s Privacy Sandbox?

As the clock ticks on the two-year expiration of the third-party tracking cookie, the advertising industry wonders how advertising tracking and measurement will work. Google has proposed a plan called the Privacy Sandbox, a series of APIs intended to provide users with privacy while ensuring that programmatic will continue to…

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Turnin’ 50 Ain’t That Bad

Each and every Pub Forum is an experience. AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler, sometimes wishes we didn’t call it a conference. “The AdMonsters Experience, Santa Monica 2020” sounds pretty cool, no? It’s because of this, he finds it hard to identify a “favorite Pub Forum” or “favorite location." Here’s his attempt…

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Beyond Viewability: Marketers Seek to Master Mobile Attention Analytics

A new Yieldmo-commissioned report, "Attention 2.0: Enhancing Ad Measurement Beyond Clicks & Viewability—How Customer Attention Metrics Can Improve Mobile Advertising Outcomes," from Forrester Consulting highlights the glaring gap between what marketers know how to measure in mobile advertising versus what they wish they could measure—and more importantly, how those metrics…

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What Is Google’s New Chrome SameSite Cookie Policy?

Starting February 4, 2020, Under the Incrementally Better Cookies Policy, Chrome will treat cookies that have no declared SameSite value as SameSite=Lax, restricting the sharing of cookie data across sites. For external access, cookies will need to be set to SameSite=None; Secure and will have to be accessed from secure…

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AdMonsters Guide to CCPA

2020 is upon us and so is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). CCPA applies to any company with CA-based assets or customers, including Californians who visit a website and whose data you touch. This includes companies that handle the personal data of at least 50,000 Californians per year, as…

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