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1181 Results

Leading The Way on Mobile Advertising (Part II)

The following is a continuation of a post written by Hugh Evans recapping a presentation at Publisher Forum EU 12 in June. The real nuts and bolts of what we wanted to cover in our presentation was still to come – the operational challenges that inevitably come along with a…

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Leading The Way on Mobile Advertising (Part I)

This June, a colleague and I were kindly invited to present at AdMonsters’ 12th European Publisher Forum in Prague. We jumped at the chance to speak, and felt we had some important issues to raise surrounding mobile advertising operations; an area so far sparsely covered by any of the major…

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Thoughts from the Network Ad Ops Forum

This past Wednesday we co-hosted with IASH our first Network Ad Ops Forum in London and I think everyone would agree it was a great success. Considering that it was a first time event and over 70% of the attendees were attending their first Admonsters event, it was great to…

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Thoughts on the Publisher Forum in Prague

Last week was our 12th Publisher Forum in Europe and it was quite frankly a huge success. Prague provided a great location for the event and all of the sessions were quite interactive. I'll be working with the session leaders to see if I can get them to summarize their…

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Register Now for Where 2.0!

AdMonsters not only produces events, but we attend them as well and one of the coolest is the O'Reilly Where 2.0 event in San Jose. We are pleased to announce that we can offer a discount you a discount to attend! The Event: O'Reilly Where 2.0 Conference 2009 May 19-21,…

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Taking on Targeting

All advertisers want to deliver the right message to the right audience.  Agencies are looking for new and better targeting options and publishers who are creative can win their business. At eHarmony, we can target online ads based on a combination of over 260 separate demographic, psychographic and interest-based data…

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Stop Playing from Behind: Why an Ad Product Manager Makes Sense

Surprise! Your company just released a new ad-supported product without the knowledge of ad operations. Better hurry and get those ad tags deployed, so you can get rid of those blank ad spaces! To avoid this unwelcome turn of events, it is essential to take proactive management of the whole…

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Taking on Creatives

I went to one of my traffickers to get the scoop on a major campaign that had been canceled. "Yeah," he said, "the cancellation order just came through. No reason given." I started to walk away when he said, "I knew it wasn't going to work anyway."  He then went…

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Measurements that belong in your Outsourcing SLA

Outsourcing is increasingly under review by many publishers for all aspects of their business, including ad operations. If you do decide to go with an outsourcer, one of the major challenges is designing and implementing the service level agreement, or SLA. The SLA is meant to define success metrics, help govern…

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Taking Control of Your Inventory Reports

When it comes to inventory reports, we don’t go far enough in creating the solutions that fit our needs. As an industry, our mindset is to do the best we can, and live with the cards we are dealt by whatever ad serving solution we utilize. But the truth of…

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