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1181 Results

Q and A: Speakers at the Publisher Forum in Amsterdam

Last week AdMonsters held the 16th European Publisher Forum in Amsterdam. Before the conference we asked several of the speakers key questions on topics that are important to ad operations. While all of our conferences are focused exclusively on online ad operations, the Publisher Forum is even more specific in…

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Robert Haskitt of Extreme Reach Discusses Digital Video Advertising

­ Robert Haskitt is the CMO at Extreme Reach and is responsible for the company's global marketing strategy and functions including brand, audience, business-to-business and regional marketing, as well as insights, global communications, policy and related teams.We asked him a few questions about digital video advertising best practices, video ad spend…

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Roaring Rivers, Floods & Tidal Waves

Every day worldwide people are inundated by an ever-increasing amount of information.  And the problem grows worse each year. An April 2011 survey of 200 respondents conducted by pulled back the curtain on our digital lives.  Nearly 50% of respondents reported that they were connected to the internet “from the…

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Managing Disruption

Editor's note: Rob Beeler's blog post originally appeared on ClickZ.As part of my job, I do my best to keep an ear to the ground and keep track of what operations people are talking about. Amazingly enough, it's 2011 and issues like late creative and discrepancies still pop up. Being…

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Digital Media Lesson II – Saying No to Free-riders

With 2012 elections rapidly approaching, new digital advertising regulatory threats are appearing almost daily. Considering that browser cookies today are used for most measurement and targeting technologies, any drastic changes could mean an effective collapse of today's digital ad ecosystem as we know it.   In a seminal but prescient study, Norm Proselytizers Create…

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Armed and Ready to Monetize the Wild World of Connected TV

After years of speculation, the vision for Connected TV is finally becoming a reality, as entrepreneurs take Web TV beyond the browser and give consumers more ways than ever to watch their favorite video content. For publishers, though, “more ways than ever” can be a double-edged sword. Yes, you now…

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Best Practices for Ad Operations in Multi-Platform Digital Media

Editor's note: In April at our OPS London event, Tim Faircliff, General Manager, Thomson Reuters, gave a session on Best Practices in Multi-platform Digital Media. The transcript from that session is now available below. Session Overview:The role of Ad Operations is rapidly evolving as it acts as the “Engine Room” in…

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Component Level Real-User Monitoring

GhostWriter lets you prioritize when and how you load third-party content, like ads. Your users see what they’re looking for sooner which increases engagement and improves your search engine rankings.One of the ways it does this is by introducing a smarter replacement for the standard document.write method. Couple this intelligent…

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Four Reasons Why Over Targeting is Bad for Online Advertisers

In recent years, the online advertising industry has increasingly leveraged geographic, demographic and behavioral targeting in their quest to attract only the best, most qualified users. In doing so, nationwide, non-targeted campaigns have been pushed to the wayside when in fact, they still perform very well on some of the…

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How Accountable Data Will Fuel DSP Demand

Digital media decision making is constantly evolving, and with demand-side platforms, digital agencies have set up lightning-fast environments for buying and selling a variety of online ad impressions, similar to the computerized stock trading desks used by quantitative traders. DSPs are remaking the media landscape and increasingly blurring the boundaries…

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