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2892 Results

What Is a Custom Content Taxonomy?

The digital advertising community has been witnessing what many are calling a resurgence of contextual advertising. But contextual advertising is only as effective as the taxonomy of content on which it is based. Enter custom content taxonomies. Most publishers currently use standardized content taxonomies by such organizations as the IAB,…

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Best Practices For Monetizing CTV Ad Pods

Consumers are shifting to connected TV (CTV) in droves and CTV ad spend is skyrocketing in tandem. According to eMarketer, spending is set to reach $34.49 billion by 2025. But that doesn’t mean it’s been all smooth sailing for pubs. We spoke with Peter Ackerman, Director of Product Marketing at…

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Are Ad Tech Players Causing Major Woes?

  Powered by: March 30, 2022 Are Ad Tech Players Causing Pubs Headaches? TLDR: Get Started on Your Identity Resolution Strategy Nielsen Lives to See Another Upfront Affiliate Marketing Has Some Answers for Publishers Are Ad Tech Players Causing Major Woes? Middlemen aren't always helpful and can actually cause more…

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ADM-NL-20220404-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters April 4, 2022   How Can Pubs Protect Their Sites and Audiences From Bad Actors?  Juniper Research warns that digital ad fraud and malvertising will cost the industry nearly $68 billion in 2022. But does that mean that all publishers are destined to lose substantial sums to nefarious players? Or…

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ADM-NL-20220331-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters March 31, 2022   What Is Seller Defined Audiences? Publishers have longed for a privacy-safe way to make their own data and site traffic translatable programmatically across many sites and sellers. With less than a year to go until the demise of third-party cookies in Chrome, there seems to…

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ADM-NL-20220325-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters March 25, 2022   Are We Ready for a Post-Cookie World Fueled by Hybrid Targeting? While the full implications of a truly cookie-free ecosystem are not fully understood, advertisers and publishers have much to consider. Advertisers need an alternative to third-party cookies, one that will allow them to scale…

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