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2891 Results

AdMonsters Guide to CCPA

2020 is upon us and so is the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). CCPA applies to any company with CA-based assets or customers, including Californians who visit a website and whose data you touch. This includes companies that handle the personal data of at least 50,000 Californians per year, as…

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2020 TV and Video Advertising Predictions

The increasing shift from linear to digital is rife with challenges—OTT measurement is especially complicated, contributing to ad dollars not exactly following the eyeballs. Plus, tackling the convergence of traditional TV and digital is no easy feat, and there's also no easy answer for complying with CCPA. Yet despite the…

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2020: Will Ad Tech Run Out of Easy Answers?

One of ad tech’s chief promises was that it would finally fix advertising. The advent of real-time bidding (RTB) in the late aughts ushered in ad tech’s “Age of Easy Answers” where the frustrating ambiguities of marketing and advertising would steadily be rooted out and obliterated by data and algorithms.…

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AdMonsters Playbook: Fill Rate Survey

On the surface, fill rate may seem like a simple enough metric—divide the number of impressions filled by the total number that were potentially available. But in reality, it’s a very difficult calculation to make, particularly with an ever-widening pool of monetization channels. To better understand the role fill rate…

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Beyond Consent for Consent’s Sake: Ogury on Monetizing User Choice

It should be the first commandment in Internet publishing: Respect thy user. Instead, publishers barrage audiences with annoying and disruptive ads while quietly mooching their data... that's ironically supposed to fuel better, more relevant advertising. (Narrator: Actually, it doesn't.) As the digital privacy revolution grows stronger with the awakening of…

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