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AdMonsters Wrapper: 🌯Chrome Chock Full of Security Issues

Welcome to The Wrapper! AdMonsters is sending you this email because you are subscribed to receive AdMonsters’ news products. This is our latest content product, The Wrapper, a weekly ad tech news roundup to simplify your life by curating only the most important industry news you need to hear. And hey, we…

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ADM-NL-20200220-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters February 20, 2020   From Ad Ops to General Management: Altice COO Eric Harris On Building Dream Teams During his Publisher Forum Santa Monica keynote address, “From Ad Ops to General Management—The Power of Assembling Dream Teams to Tackle New Frontiers,” on Tuesday, March 10, Harris will discuss how…

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ADM-NL-20200213-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters February 14, 2020   Battling the Rising Mobile Ad Blockers: Q&A With Blockthrough's CEO Marty Krátký-Katz Adblocking may have dwindled on desktop, but users are massively taking up arms on mobile. AdMonsters spoke with Marty Krátký-Katz, Co-Founder & CEO of ad-block monetization platform Blockthrough, about the findings from his…

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ADM-NL-20200206-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters February 6, 2020   Turnin' 50 Ain't That Bad Each and every Pub Forum is an experience. AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler, sometimes wishes we didn’t call it a conference. “The AdMonsters Experience, Santa Monica 2020” sounds pretty cool, no? It’s because of this, he finds it hard to identify…

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ADM-NL-20200130-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 30, 2020   Best Lawyer in Privacy and Data Security Law Jessica B. Lee Is Coming to PubForum Santa Monica to Talk CCPA During her Publisher Forum Santa Monica keynote address, “Escaping CCPA Limbo,” on Monday, March 9, Jessica B. Lee will discuss the newly implemented (and still…

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ADM-NL-20200123-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 23, 2020   The Big Google Cookie Crumble: 5 Sessions To Help You Prep Google’s recent announcement that it would follow Safari and Firefox in eliminating third-party tracking cookies—within two years—shook the digital advertising industry like an earthquake off the Richter scale. Are you panicking at the idea…

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ADM-NL-20200116-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 16, 2020   Opening a New Programmatic Gateway: Adhese's Post-Cookie Connectors It's the perfect moment for outside-the-box thinking in the open programmatic marketplace as the third-party cookie continues to crumble in the face of privacy initiatives (and regulations) and walled gardens increasingly reap the lion’s share of online…

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ADM-NL-20191128-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters November 27, 2019   What Are the Use Cases for Log-Level Data? Once considered the “data exhaust” of the industry, log-level data (LLD) has been positioned more recently as a remedy for many of programmatic’s woes. LLD contains many valuable, impression-level details. But that’s not all. There are a…

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ADM-NL-20200109-AdMonsters Weekly

AdMonsters January 9, 2020   This Is How Some Publishers Are Getting Ready For CCPA If you're thinking GDPR was the warmup for CCPA, think again. It's not even half the battle. Especially not for those publishers who simply decided that cutting off EU traffic was the right play. But…

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