Search results for apachesolr_search/ad order management systems

2053 Results

Solving the Remnant Inventory Problem

As an industry, it’s taken us more than 15 years to get a grip on dealing with remnant ad inventory, but I think there’s finally a light at the end of the tunnel. Over the past two or three years in particular, the R&D that’s gone toward solving this problem…

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Leading The Way on Mobile Advertising (Part I)

This June, a colleague and I were kindly invited to present at AdMonsters’ 12th European Publisher Forum in Prague. We jumped at the chance to speak, and felt we had some important issues to raise surrounding mobile advertising operations; an area so far sparsely covered by any of the major…

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The Next Generation Digital Media Agency

We asked Martin Kelly, co-founder of Infectious Media and our keynote speaker at the Network Ad Ops Forum in London July 15th to summarize his presentation: The next big shift in the market is coming and the industry needs to be prepared. Just as auction model platforms have revolutionised and…

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Thoughts from the Network Ad Ops Forum

This past Wednesday we co-hosted with IASH our first Network Ad Ops Forum in London and I think everyone would agree it was a great success. Considering that it was a first time event and over 70% of the attendees were attending their first Admonsters event, it was great to…

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Thoughts on the Publisher Forum in Prague

Last week was our 12th Publisher Forum in Europe and it was quite frankly a huge success. Prague provided a great location for the event and all of the sessions were quite interactive. I'll be working with the session leaders to see if I can get them to summarize their…

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Centralized vs. Decentralized Operations

When looking at ways to improve upon scalability and the level of client services, one must weight the options of centralized vs. decentralized Ad Operations Department. If you work in an organizational structure that has multiple sales offices in various locations (satellite offices), decentralizing Ad Operations can make sense. If…

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What Traffickers Need to Succeed

This past Thursday AdMonsters had our 2nd Ad Ops 360 event in the US. Ad Ops 360 is a special event for us because it's an extension of our training programs and instead of a room full of senior Ad Operations leaders, we have junior and middle level ad ops…

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Ad Ops and Cloud Computing

Depending on how much you work with Google applications last week, you probably found yourself unable to access them or at least hindered by how slow things operated. #googlefail as it has been called set off a flurry of articles about the potential dangers of cloud computing and reliance on…

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Thinking about bringing your ad server platform in-house?

When selecting an ad platform, publishers must chose between selecting an ASP solution or hosting an in-house solution. For in-house solutions, publishers must also decide if they are going to build it or buy it. Here are some key considerations when entertaining an in-house ad serving platform. In-house solutions require…

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Ready for New Orleans

Our 20th US Publisher Forum kicks off this weekend and I've been working with the members and sponsors on their presentations, helping develop what I think will be a 'best ever' event for us in New Orleans. Our speakers have done an amazing job of producing their presentations as all…

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