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AdMonsters Webinar: The Big Challenge of Ad Ops—Scale

Did you miss Monday's webcast? Not to worry, you can watch a recording of the webinar online right now. Traffic spikes. Mobile impressions. New revenue streams. Tech complexity. Amidst a sea of constantly fluctuating and evolving factors, scale is always on the minds of Ad Operations leaders, yet the path…

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Relieving Paperwork Pain: Tips for T&C Negotiation

To my knowledge no one goes into ad operations to practice law. It was certainly the last thing on my mind when I started back in 1999, but I quickly found myself having to navigate T&Cs, IOs and the occasional client-signed PowerPoint slide printout. As if that wasn’t tough enough,…

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How Publishers Guard Against Malvertising

Malvertising, defined as the use of online advertising to spread malicious software (aka “malware”), is a damaging occurrence in online advertising. A malicious advertisement is one that is able to infect a user’s computer with malware.  Malvertising tends to be rare in frequency, but its consequences can be destructive; publishers…

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Video Ad Summit: Measurement’s Come Far, Still Must Travel

Calling 2013 a big inflection point for the space, Xaxis VP of Product Development Christina Beaumier proclaimed: “TV advertisers no longer think of digital video as a red-headed stepchild.”At VideoNuze’s Online Video Advertising Summit, participant after participant illustrated why these are digital video’s halcyon days – in particular, because of the…

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The New Age of Second Screen: Enabling Interaction

Second-screen and companion viewing isn’t a new phenomenon per se. Television viewers are quite accustomed to diverting their attention throughout broadcasts. And even before the proliferation of TV companion apps such as Zeebox, Viggle and GetGlue, viewers often Googled or Wikipedia-d content pertinent to what they were watching on screen.…

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Advice For an Ad-Ops Intern

For the first time in history, the UM Ad Ops team is getting a summer intern. Apparently, there are a lot of mundane and basic tasks associated with Operations (who knew!), and our team will be able to push those tasks onto the intern for the next 2 ½ months.…

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OPS TV will examine where TV and digital video are increasingly intersecting – and aligning. Keynote Speaker: Dave Morgan, Simulmedia.

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A Cord-Cutter at the Newfronts

Written by AdMonsters' U.S. Editor Gavin Dunaway for The Makegood.Portrait of a cord cutter – you’re looking at it. Disturbing, a little serial killer-esque, I know.Five years ago, I moved to NYC from DC with a laptop and an iPod as my only media consumption devices. Eventually I got a…

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Extending Extension: Pushing Past Basic Techniques

Look, we don’t have anything against retargeters. Some of our best sponsors are retargeters, and we’ll be the first to say the channel occasionally gets a bad rap. Execution is the real challenge – too often advertisers blanket consumers with repetitive creative, possibly for products they have already bought. It…

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