September 7, 2018
Tally Up This OMS Requirements Scorecard
With Google’s Doubleclick Sales Manager (DSM) closing shop in 2019, many a publisher is scrambling to find and integrate a replacement order management system. The other week PGA Tour was kind enough to share a timeline for OMS migration, but I’m sure some of you said, “That’s great, but I'm still…
Choose Wisely: Crucial Criteria for Selecting an Ad Quality Provider
It's not your imagination—most malvertising attacks do happen over weekends. Bad actors hope to catch ops when its guard is down, so the gatekeepers must always be vigilant. A robust ad-quality solution is an essential tool for a publisher, but finding the right one requires a great deal of due diligence. Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway assembles criteria that will aid you in your search for a true ally in the battle against bad advertising.
The Drawbacks of AI-Based Dynamic Inventory Pricing
We seem to be in that sweet moment where artificial intelligence (actually advanced machine learning, but who are we to split hairs?) is more than just buzz and potential, but before the machines have enslaved us and forced us to farm their massive energon cube plantations. That day is coming—I…
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For years people would shoot me skeptical glances when I suggested that in the near future the majority of display inventory would be transacted programmatically—whether that meant RTB or another automated channel. But these days when I express this sentiment, more people nod their heads and scowl only because we…
“Digital Darwinism” aims to launch larger philosophical conversations about how technology is changing a variety of businesses from top to bottom. How does one adapt in the digital age—slowly in small increments or rapidly and dramatically? Gavin Dunaway catches up with Ops 2018 keynote Tom Goodwin to discuss the concepts of his new book.
The Honest Ads Act was introduced to Congress in October 2017 and hasn't been passed as of March 2018. But the call for Facebook to be more transparent about who's paying for political ads on its network brings it back into the spotlight. Here's what the act proposes, and what its supporters and opponents like or don't like about it.
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