August 1, 2024
The Perils of Hashed IDs: FTC Reasserts They Are Not Anonymous
In a recent blog post, the FTC reiterated a critical privacy principle: hashed IDs are not anonymous. Despite some companies' claims, hashing—a process that transforms data like email addresses or phone numbers into seemingly random strings—does not render data anonymous.  Read more.
Transforming Ad Tech: An Exclusive Chat with The COOL Company’s CEO Zack Dugow
The new ad tech company, formed when Insticator recently acquired ADventori, seeks to mend the fractured ecosystem. Founded on the principles of creating a better experience for everyone, their comprehensive suite of solutions is tailored for every sector. Unfortunately, dissatisfaction is everywhere you look in our industry, but the COOL company aims to change all of that. Read more.
Publishers Forum is Coming to You Next Week
Publisher Forum Boston offers the perfect opportunity to delve into pressing issues that impact your work, within a community that truly understands your challenges. Stay ahead with the latest news, trends, and expert insights, including in-depth discussions on Google's decision. Enhance your skills, expand your network, and earn the Revenue Strategy Badge by attending our new Ad Tech Accelerator training session with Prohaska Consulting. Register now!
Top Stories
Curious about what it's like to step into a powerhouse like The Washington Post? Look no further. Join us for an exclusive LinkedIn Live recap featuring Jana Meron, the new VP of Revenue Operations and Data at The Washington Post. Read more.
Google’s surprise shift to pump the brakes on third-party cookie deprecation in Chrome is sending shockwaves through the digital advertising world. As the dust settles, let's dig into what this means for publishers, advertisers, and the future of privacy-preserving technologies. Read more.
Explore how bid shading in political advertising affects publishers' revenue, the associated risks, and strategic measures to mitigate these impacts during an election cycle with high political budgets. Read more.
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