March 17, 2023
Consent Is the New Currency: A Conversation with OneTrust’s Ashlea Cartee
Consent is the currency that will lead publishers to once again build trusted relationships with their audiences to offer them personalized experiences, and at the same time increase the value of those audiences to advertisers. We spoke with Ashlea Cartee, Product Marketing Manager, OneTrust Platform about consent fatigue (yeah, it’s a real thing), the future of compliance frameworks, and whether zero-party data actually makes a difference. Read more.
What Are Standard Cohorts?
Standard cohorts are interest-based publisher cohorts that can be generated automatically based on publishers’ first-party data. They are created using Natural Language Processing and the IAB 1.1 Audience Taxonomy, leveraging consistent and standardized behavior inputs. This solves for inconsistencies such as publisher A defining a food-lover as someone who visits pages on restaurant reviews and chef profiles twice in  60 days while publisher B defines a food-lover as someone who views one piece of recipe content over 90 days. Read more.
Top Women in Media & Ad Tech: Deadline Extended
Due to heavy demand for extensions, nominations for the 2023 Top Women in Media & Ad Tech Awards by AdMonsters & AdExchanger will now be open until March 23, 2023. And because this program is run for women by women, we've decided to waive the late fee! 💸 This is it! Your FINAL chance to nominate yourself or someone you know in up to TEN categories for women in every sector of your media or ad tech organization. Nominate a woman leader now!
Top Stories
To dig into the details of what retailers need to know to stay competitive, we spoke with Eric Brackmann, Head of Commerce Media at Koddi. Brackmann helped illuminate why it’s important for retailers to invest in digital solutions, how to form partnerships, and how to stay ahead of the competition. He also offered some insight into how this sector will likely grow and change in the near future.  Read more.
While the world frets about the possibility of a recession, one positively flourishing sector is the bot economy. To learn more about today’s bot networks and how the industry can work together to limit their damage, Admonsters spoke with Zach Edwards, Senior Manager of Threats Insight for HUMAN.  Read more.
Privacy concerns, AI innovation, the impending cookiepocolypse, Big Tech vs. DOJ, revolving ad spend slowdowns — all promise to shake the advertising ecosystem up further. Are publishers equipped to handle what’s coming next? The short answer is no, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get ready. We spoke with James Avery, CEO and founder of Kevel, a cloud-based ad server development platform, to learn more about what’s ahead and how the industry can prepare. Read more.
Upcoming Events
  • Mar. 23, 2023 | Nomination Deadline Extension: Top Women in Media & Ad Tech
  • Mar. 29, 2023 | Webinar: Consent-Based Advertising
  • Jun. 5-6, 2023 | AdMonsters OPs
  • Jun. 6, 2023 | Top Women Gala
  • Aug. 6-9, 2023 | Publisher Forum: Coronado Island
  • Nov. 5-8, 2023 | Publisher Forum: New Orleans
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