February 6, 2022
6 Ways Digital Media & Ad Tech Will Continue to Evolve 
With digital media and ad tech changing at the speed of light, it's hard to know what's happening next, or in some cases, even what's happening now. We spoke with seven leaders from academia, advertising operations, and media and creative agencies, to learn how they believe the space will continue to evolve over the course of the year. They talked about Google's Privacy Sandbox, media and ad tech consolidation, the talent crisis, the first-party data boom, CTV/OTT interactive advertising and so much more. Read more.
What Is Google Topics API?
Late last month, in a move that shocked no one, Google announced Topics, a Privacy Sandbox initiative it thinks can power interest-based targeting in Chrome when third-party cookies are phased out. Google calls Topics an evolution of their previous proposal for interest-based targeting which was called FLoC.  Read more.
Building an Equitable Marketplace: Lashawnda Goffin, CEO at Colossus SSP 
"It's hard to reach niche audiences at scale," says Lashawnda Goffin, CEO at Colossus SSP. Colossus SSP is a minority-owned ad tech company focused on building an inclusive marketplace and empowering diverse and multicultural publishers. Read more.
Top Stories
AdExchanger and AdMonsters have come together to evolve the annual Top Women in Media Awards into the Top Women in Media and Ad Tech Awards to recognize, celebrate, inspire and bring together the women who are making an impact in the greater digital media and advertising technology community. Nominate a phenomenal woman today!
As third-party cookies continue their farewell tour, contextual advertising slowly makes its way towards the throne but will marketers, brands (basically, buyers), and agencies immediately jump on the bandwagon? According to a new study from GumGum and Brand Innovators, 49% of marketers are looking to contextual advertising to replace cookies in their marketing efforts. Read more.
Preparing for privacy regulations, along with the death of the third-party cookie (and other identifiers used in targeting individuals and measuring advertising) is still as colossal a challenge as it was two years ago. So, what's coming to the data and privacy landscape in 2022? Read more.
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