November 5, 2021
The Future of Publisher Revenue Operations: Benchmarks & Best Practices
From third-party cookie deprecation to ColoPA, CCPRA, Apple, and the looming antitrust pressure on Google and Facebook, the business of digital publishing is being rebuilt. And while there’s no such thing as a crystal ball, AdMonsters partnered with Jeeng to come up with the next best thing: A special report powered by insights from publisher teams navigating these changes now—along with the solutions and strategies they’re excited about for the future. Read more.
What Lies Ahead for Marketers and Publishers Sans Cookies?
In July, Lotame released the findings of “Beyond the Cookie: The Future of Advertising for Marketers & Publishers.” The results: Three in five agreed that people-based identity solutions are necessary. The same respondents emphasized the need for interoperability. Now there's part two: “Beyond the Cookie: Identity Solution Adoption & Testing Among Marketers and Publishers.” Plus, catch Pierre Diennet, Global Partnerships, Lotame present RESEARCH: "Identity Solution Adoption & Testing Among Marketers and Publishers," next week at PubForum. Read more.
Top of Publishers’ Minds: Centralized Rev Ops And Data Leakage
How do publishers centralize vendor management? What are their biggest challenges in developing a revenue strategy across multiple brands and sites? These, along with how publishers are preparing for a post-cookie world, were discussed during a recent Think Tank hosted with The Media Trust. Read more.
Top Stories
How will publishers make money in a cookieless world? Should publishers be worried about UID and FloC? What is VRM and will it bring home revenue? In a recent AdMonsters webinar with Admiral, publishers discussed the use of VRM (visitor relationship management) and ways publishers can prepare for UID (universal IDs) and FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) now rather than waiting for the last cookie to be sold. Read more.
Between mounting privacy regulations and privacy enforcement measures being taken by big tech, publishers are in need of simple solutions that ensure consent compliance (and that they can trust). And even when publishers are doing the right thing and following the law, they may find themselves liable for a non-compliant partner. Publishers also need insight into their partners' regulatory compliance, especially when it comes to creative. Publishers need a bridge. This is why Confiant has launched Privacy Compliance as a complement to CMPs providing end-to-end privacy compliance coverage in real-time. Read more.
There’s a certain amount of volatility inherent in programmatic advertising — it is based on auction dynamics, after all — which is why many publishers rely on standards like Prebid to help balance out some of the chaos. So we caught up with Tom Levesque, VP Product Management, OpenX, to talk the current (and future) state of Prebid — why pubs love Prebid, why they should experiment with Prebid Mobile and Video, as well as how Prebid can help prep for the 3P cookie's death. Read more.
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