May 27, 2021
Top of Publishers’ Minds: Centralized Rev Ops And Data Leakage
How do publishers centralize vendor management? What are their biggest challenges in developing a revenue strategy across multiple brands and sites? These questions, along with how publishers are preparing for a post-cookie world, were discussed during a recent Think Tank hosted with The Media Trust. Read more.
The Ad Ops Guide to Outsourcing
At nearly every PubForum, either IRL or virtual, the topic of outsourcing is always top of mind for the AdMonsters Community. Unfortunately, there never seems to be enough time to cover all of the intricacies involved in determining whether outsourcing is right for your business, how to choose the right partner, or how to manage the relationship. Thankfully, Melissa Chapman, Pilar Prassas, and Brittany Warren have been implementing successful outsourcing practices at their media companies and now they're sharing their know-how in this best practices guide. Check it out.
Top Women in Media: Call for Entries 
We're looking for change-makers, innovators, and leaders driving the success of the media and publishing industry. Let’s shine a spotlight on those women and share their accomplishments with industry peers. Past honorees include Sarah McConville of Harvard Business Review, Mia Tramz of TIME, Alison Overholt of ESPN, and many more. Now's the time to nominate a powerhouse female professional for the 2021 Top Women in Media Awards? She deserves recognition for her outstanding work. Nominate a leader now!
Top Stories
One thing is certain, Relationships = Revenue. From registration walls to unlocking adblock users, to diversifying revenue with subscriptions, there are clear-cut steps that publishers can take now to collect first-party data and build relationships in preparation for the cookieless future. We spoke with Dan Rua, CEO of Admiral: The Visitor Relationship Management Company about all of this and more. Read more.
With impression data pulled directly from Google Ad Manager over the course of 2020 —  including transaction trends, global viewership insights, and even details about live streaming performance — Google Ad Manager's Session on Advanced TV at our recent PubForum Virtual didn’t disappoint. It also covered some best practices for ad ops pros that are deep in the weeds managing their Google Ad Manager specs directly. Read more.
While the technology behind Google's Privacy Sandbox proposals is complex and constantly evolving, the premise (as we know it today) is simple: move targeting from a third-party cookie to a group (or cohort) of browsers. For much of 2020 these cohort-based approaches appeared to be the future of advertising in Google’s platforms, but in 2021 is that still the case? Read more.
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