March 25, 2021
First-Party Data Transformation: Driving Cultural Change
As damaging as COVID-19 has been to publishers’ revenues, it has presented them with an opportunity to rethink their business models with a focus on building their first-party data strategies. Publishers are finding themselves in a new world that’s been accelerated by the pandemic, as well as privacy regulations granting consumers more control over their data—and the deprecation of the third-party cookie and IDFA. Read more.
Self-Service Ad Platform Adoption On the Rise
It was slow starting for self-service ad platforms. Buyers were hellbent on using exchanges to cherry-pick their inventory. But 2020 is an extremely different marketplace, largely shaped by how the global Coronavirus pandemic has altered the landscape. In particular, publishers’ sales teams are focusing on big buys, leaving occasional smaller buys on the table. Now, self-service tech is growing as a preferred brand safe option for capturing that smaller spend. Read more.
It's All About Relationships
Publishers. Platforms. Advertisers. Users. Thriving in the brave new digital world means managing relationships between your users, the advertisers trying to reach them, and the platforms that make creating and selling all that content possible. Next week during AdMonsters PubForum virtual, we’ll examine those relationships from a variety of useful lenses. From a Keynote on how pubs and media agencies can work better together, to sessions on protecting your users’ data, to fireside chats about making your ad tech platforms work smarter -- it’s all about the relationships. Register now and get connected! 
Top Stories
For publishers to get the most out of media quality measurement, they need tools that facilitate communication on brand safety with the buy side and formalize best practices. In addition, a media quality data aggregation platform could empower publishers to optimize campaigns as well as make smarter revenue-related decisions. Read more.
In a privacy-forward world, where regulations like GDPR and CCPA have made data collection more complex, publishers are actually thinking beyond regulatory compliance and moving to the next chapter of consumer consent—demonstrating the value exchange. Read more.
One day, hopefully in the not too distant future, the Pandemic will meet its bitter end. But until then, publishers are adapting to the new normal and steadily planning for that fateful day. For now, they’re living in the era of the pivot, where the most promising path to revenue stabilization is to become a more nimble, creative, and collaborative publisher. One who is willing to make data the central focus of their sales strategy, while finding that happy medium between users’ and advertisers’ needs.  Read more.
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