February 11, 2021
What Do Smart Collaborative Data Solutions Between Pubs and Third-Party Data Providers Actually Look Like?
It can’t be overstated how much of a hit in revenue publishers took in 2020. In its “Outlook for Data-Driven Marketing and Advertising in 2021” report, Winterberry Group estimates the decline in global ad spend at ~$39b compared to 2019. We caught up with the report's author, Bruce Biegel to learn more about Winterberry’s take on the state of Digital Media and Advertising in 2021, with a focus on the collaborative challenges that publishers face amid crumbling cookies, new regulations and emerging ID solutions. Read more.
PubForum Virtual Keynote Announced: Husani Oakley, CTO, Deutsch NY  
Named an Adweek Creative 100 in 2020, Husani Oakley, CTO, Deutsch NY, will keynote Day 1 AdMonsters PubForum on March 30, 2021. He will discuss the importance of agencies and publishers breaking down the walls between them to forge stronger relationships built on tighter data collaboration. "The more we can be empowered to do things in real-time that are dynamic to push the creative side, the more people are engaged, the more revenue for publishers," he says. Register now.
Third-party Tracking Got Advertisers Deep Into Debt; Now It’s Time to Repay
Ad platforms spent the 2010’s rapidly innovating new ways to target, personalize, and measure advertising, largely based on third-party (3P) tracking. Money poured in from advertisers and agencies looking to shed the waste and uncertainty of traditional media and optimize campaigns right down to the user level. And today, digital marketing and advertising are running out of easy answers to old problems. Isn't it time we build genuinely durable solutions to our myriad industry-wide challenges? Read more.
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When third-party cookies go away, authenticated users will by definition be in short supply, forcing advertisers to pay more to reach their target audiences. What about users who won’t log in and authenticate, a.k.a. the majority of audiences? That’s where the Privacy Sandbox comes in, to help with guests. Achieving this balance will help publishers earn programmatic ad revenue at current or even higher levels.  Read more.
As privacy restrictions began to tighten, Digital Media & Measurement Consultant, Rachel Adams had concerns that the digital media industry would no longer be data-driven, and she'd end up in the “integrated” media world again, where most buys were considered equally difficult to measure, and plans saw few changes quarter over quarter. However, three opportunities currently give her hope as a buyer: Clean Rooms, Site-Side Analytics + CRM, and the Privacy Sandbox. Read more.
Last week, The New York Times reported that digital ads using first-party data accounted for over 20% of its revenue in Q4. That’s a year-over-year increase of 13%. Despite this, the legacy publisher’s digital ad revenue fell 2% in 2020 to $90.1m, although a .2% rise in revenue in Q4 ended the year on a hopeful note. Read more.
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