December 10, 2020
Privacy Prophecies from PubForum+
At this week's PubForum+, speakers drilled down into granular questions around Apple’s Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA) restrictions and Google’s sunsetting of third-party cookies, however, larger questions loomed about the potential for federal privacy regulation, the broader impact of the recently-passed Consumer Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), and more. Read more.
A Different Approach to Buying and Selling
Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway spoke with Evergreen Trading’s Chief Operating Officer, Mark Ordover, to gain a deeper understanding of the role Evergreen Trading plays as a media investment agency within the buy-sell relationship between marketers and media companies, as well as how they can help publishers losing spend to the identity-rich walled gardens. Read more.
Is Amazon Gunning For Google's Top Spot?
In this week's Wrapper, we covered Amazon's move to dominate purchase intent, while gunning for Google's top spot as the #1 search engine for shopping. As well, Amazon nabbed the prime position as Ad Age's World's Largest Advertiser. Looks like all that spending is paying off. Ching. Ching. In other news, Google has started blocking ads in Chrome for using too many resources. Watch out pubs! And, if you thought hashed emails were going to be the holy grail of identity think again, When Apple launches the new ATT framework—no email allowed. Read more.
Top Stories
Balance is an important part of being a trusted news brand. But how do you keep your balance when you find yourself reporting from the center of the Hong Kong protests and months of unrest? South China Morning Post decided to develop a tool that read the headlines of every article they wrote and those of our contemporaries too. The aim would be to see if the perceived sentiment was more or less negative than our cohort.  Read more.
As we move closer to the end of Q4, pubs are experiencing a rebound of sorts but it hasn't halted their concerns about payments. Pubs are looking for assurances (and insurance) from their SSP partners that they won’t be left holding the bag when a default happens along the chain linking the relationship between buyers and sellers. Read more.
As we inch closer toward a cookieless world, identity solutions have been touted as the perfect panacea. But before going all-in on one identity solution over another, wouldn’t it be prudent to weigh all of your options? You wouldn’t invest all your money in one stock, would you? So why would you throw all of your money at a single third-party cookie alternative and risk your full ability for targeting audiences in the future? Wouldn’t it make sense to invest in a diverse set of identity solutions to see which methods work best for your company? The range of possibilities runs the gamut. Read more.
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