November 25, 2020
Complex Runs With a Different Revenue Model 
“We haven’t always been a big fan of programmatic or arbitrage-oriented stuff,” says Rich Antoniello, Founder and CEO of digital media company Complex Networks. During his PubForum+ keynote, “Tomorrow's Publisher Today,” on Tuesday, December 8, Antoniello will share how the company’s multiprong strategy of building a fervent community, revenue diversification, and embracing new platforms have made Complex a publisher ready for whatever the future brings. Read more.
So, an Academic Walks Into a W3C Meeting...
Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, recently chatted with Garrett Johnson (no, not related)—a marketing professor at Boston University's Questrom School of Business. His research focuses on privacy, the value of cookies, and the effectiveness of advertising. She was interested in a presentation he made to the W3C about the Economics of Digital Ad Identity, as well as these stats that surfaced about ad prices being 50-70% lower without cookies and identity increasing ad value 2x-3x. So she wanted to learn more. Read more.
Marketers Clueless About Apple's Upcoming IDFA Changes
Thirty-seven percent of mobile marketers are in the dark about what the new Apple IDFA protocols mean, which is especially troubling considering how dramatically these changes will impact mobile attribution. So far, most publishers aren't fully on board with adopting Apple's SKAdNetwork as an IDFA replacement. So the question remains: How will targeting, measurement, and attribution be done in-app? Read more.
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As the sunset of the third-party tracking cookie approaches, one of the most promising options—enabling publishers to monetize their audiences and advertisers to address audiences with confidence—is identity or people-based marketing. This playbook, created in partnership with Lotame, dives into identity as a concept and explains the wealth of advantages an identity-based individual ID offers both brands and publishers. Read more.
We decided now was a perfect time to survey publishers to understand their current header (and Open Bidding) setups while seeing what they were plotting for an ambiguous future. We asked 35 publishers of various sizes and content verticals to fill out an intense questionnaire, and the results were extremely illuminating. Read more.
Mobile monetization strategies are about the bigger picture—a coordinated effort around several distinct digital publishing areas that ensure both better user experience and optimal monetization. Better site performance means increased pageviews, equaling more impressions and ultimately higher revenue. This playbook, created in partnership with Marfeel, will dive into the nuances of each of the areas mentioned above, illustrate how they are interconnected, and assist you in making your mobile web performance the best it can be. Read more.
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