November 19, 2020
Publishers Prep Post-Pandemic Ad Product Evolution
One day, hopefully in the not too distant future, the Pandemic will meet its bitter end. But until then, publishers are adapting to the new normal and steadily planning for that fateful day. For now, they’re living in the era of the pivot, where the most promising path to revenue stabilization is to become a more nimble, creative, and collaborative publisher. One who is willing to make data the central focus of their sales strategy, while finding that happy medium between users’ and advertisers’ needs.  Read more.
Stop Leaving Money on the Table: Bridging the Reporting-to-Optimization Gap
Watch the replay of our webinar—From Analytics to Revenue Optimization in Record Time—on November 19, 2020, where Exigent Digital and TapClicks provided publishers with several strategies they could immediately take to their reporting and optimization workflows. We also went a step further and analyzed where automation can build a ridiculously fast and effective feedback loop. Read more.
ID5 Is Building a Community to Bolster Its Universal ID
Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway had a chat with ID5's CEO, Mathieu Roche, about how to differentiate between identity solution providers, the benefits of joining ID5's Inside community, as well as what it will take to rebuild probabilistic’s reputation. Read more.
Top Stories
In this episode of BeelerCast, AdMonsters Advisory Board Chairman, Rob Beeler, talks with Neal Thurman (Coalition for Better Ads / Brand Safety Institute) and Dan Rua (Admiral) about their call for participation in the pilot program. They talk about ad blocking, better ad experiences and a new segment: "To Catch an Ad Blocker". Read more.
Now that the third-party cookie is on its farewell tour, publishers are warily giving their first-party data another look, but a big question remains: how do publishers actually sell first-party data marketplaces and garner advertiser interest? During an AdMonsters Webinar on Nov. 12, 2020, Insider Inc.'s VP of Programmatic Sales Chris Ryan showed how to do that, sharing Insider's experience bringing its SAGA first-party data product to market and winning over skeptical advertisers. The full webinar, shared by Permutive, is worth a watch—but also check out these highlights. Read more.
Historically, the relationship between ad ops and sales has been labeled with an “It’s Complicated” status. But since the pandemic, the relationship between ad ops and sales has become far more collaborative. Now, the two teams are coming together to rethink and revise their processes, client approaches and even their workflows—and often they’re leveraging automation technology to maximize efficiencies. Read more.
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