November 13, 2020
Leaving Money on the Table: The High Cost of Ignoring Business Data
Every publisher has a treasure trove of data at their fingertips. One of the biggest challenges is turning that data into golden nuggets of insight that can propel the business forward. That's why Ana Browne and Jon Dickinson launched Exigent Digital, coupling a unified data platform with business analysis and revenue strategy services. The model is straightforward:  Help businesses consolidate all the data sources, make it actionable, and provide expert insights so they can capitalize on it.  Read more.
The Identity Connection: Portfolio Vision
As we inch closer toward a cookieless world, identity solutions have been touted as the perfect panacea. But before going all-in on one identity solution over another, wouldn’t it be prudent to weigh all of your options? You wouldn’t invest all your money in one stock, would you? So why would you throw all of your money at a single third-party cookie alternative and risk your full ability for targeting audiences in the future? Wouldn’t it make sense to invest in a diverse set of identity solutions to see which methods work best for your company? The range of possibilities runs the gamut. Read more.
How the Pandemic Got Ad Ops and Sales to Cozy Up
Historically, the relationship between ad ops and sales has been labeled with an “It’s Complicated” status. But since the pandemic, the relationship between the two teams has become far more collaborative. Now, they're coming together to rethink and revise their processes, client approaches and even their workflows—and often they’re leveraging automation technology to maximize efficiencies. Read more.
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Privacy regulations; the crumbling third-party cookie; a general need to diversify revenue streams. These are just some of the factors driving publishers to better—and directly—engage with consumers. And a key tool helping publishers connect is an old favorite—logins. But although they may seem straightforward, logins and the strategies around them come in a lot of flavors. Learn more in the video replay of our webinar, The Login Play. Read more.
Still stuck in election mode. There’s gotta be a way to tie the election and ad tech together? Well, what does a Joe Biden presidency mean for ad tech and digital media? The speculators are out in force! Read more.
With the announcement of the end of the third party cookie, now is the time to shift the balance of power back to publishers. A strong first-party data strategy empowers publishers to go on the offensive and recoup lost revenue. Read more.
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