October 30, 2020
Pandemic Pushes Self-Serve Ad Tech Adoption Forward
It was slow starting for self-service ad platforms. Buyers were hellbent on using exchanges to cherry-pick their inventory. But 2020 is an extremely different marketplace, largely shaped by how the global Coronavirus pandemic has altered the landscape. In particular, publishers’ sales teams are focusing on big buys, leaving occasional smaller buys on the table. Now, self-service tech is growing as a preferred brand-safe option for capturing that smaller spend. Read more.
First-Party Data Transformation
Publishers are finding themselves in a new world that’s been accelerated by the pandemic, as well as privacy regulations granting consumers more control over their data—and the deprecation of the third-party cookie. Can they make the first-party data mindset shifts that will ensure success well beyond the pandemic, and third-party cookie's demise? And let's not forget about the elephant in the room—scale. Read more.
Webinar: The Login Play 

What is a Single Sign-on Alliance? During this AdMonsters webinar, netID Foundation CTO Achim Schlosser will dive into what spurred on the single sign-on program, why publishers across Germany are jumping aboard, and how these shared IDs can be used for monetization. In addition, we’ll discuss the successes and challenges of other publisher login alliances, and talk with specific publishers about their experiences in convincing users to sign in. Register now! 

Top Stories
Our interest in the federal government’s antitrust suit against Google took a huge dive when we learned it would be centered around search. While mainstream publications trotted out the tired descriptor “landmark” for the headlines when the suit became public, many of us in the industry shook our heads and sighed. Read more.
We bet you thought Apple was playing nice when they decided to delay privacy changes to IDFA until 2021. We bet you believed they were being empathetic towards developers' lack of readiness. Well, think again. Apple has finally admitted that its IDFA alternative, SKAdNetwork, has major flaws. Read more.

Join us for 3 days and 50+ sessions on the topics that will inform and inspire you to navigate industry changes to come in 2021 and beyond:

  • Programmatic Video
  • Universal ID
  • Post-Cookie Solutions
  • UX & Revenue
  • First-Party Data Measurement
  • Connected TV

Our lowest rate ends Friday, October 30. Register now!

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