October 15, 2020
The Next Phase of Consent
In a privacy-forward world, where regulations like GDPR and CCPA have made data collection more complex, publishers are actually thinking beyond regulatory compliance and moving to the next chapter of consumer consent—demonstrating the value exchange. Read more.
Webinar Replay: Is This the Rebound? (Video)
This wide-ranging, intimate discussion brought together a panel of revenue specialists from The Economist Group, Euronews, and Dennis Publishing to talk about what publishers are expecting during Q4, how they’re preparing for an uncertain future beyond that, and how their audience relationships are evolving. This Webinar Replay includes a video of the entire session, as well as a write up of the top three takeaways. Check it out!
Building a Monetizable Kid-Safe Internet: A Conversation with SuperAwesome’s Dennis Colón
We heard our dear old friend, Dennis Colón, who we know from his days as an ad ops exec at Conde Nast and CBSi, recently joined SuperAwesome as VP of Global Operations. SuperAwesome powers the kid-safe internet. We reached out to learn more about his new role and gain an understanding of how brands and pubs can better engage with kids. Read more.
Top Stories
On the eve of DPAA's 2020 Video Every Summit, Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, spoke with the organization's president and CEO, Barry Frey, about the role DOOH played during the early days of the pandemic and how advancements in data and technology are positioning the industry to reap its just rewards. Read more.
There's a conflict of interest at the W3C meetings when it comes to deciding the future of advertising in a post-cookie world. Chrome's dominance at these meetings is starting to worry independent ad tech players that the browser is positioning itself as the gatekeeper with control over bidstream data and auction logic. Read more.
We decided now was a perfect time to survey publishers to understand their current header (and Open Bidding) setups while seeing what they were plotting for an ambiguous future. We asked 35 publishers of various sizes and content verticals to fill out an intense questionnaire, and the results were extremely illuminating. Read more.
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