October 8, 2020
Advertising Automation Illuminated
Purple's ability to grow mattress sales 46% in Q1 can partly be attributed to changing consumer behaviors during the pandemic, but there's also a good dose of engineering ingenuity behind their marketing. They worked with AcuityAds all-new illumin platform, an advertising automation technology that offers planning, buying and omnichannel intelligence from a single platform. Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway spoke with Seraj Bharwani, Chief Strategy Officer, AcuityAds to learn more about how illumin differs from DSPs and what their value is for pubs. Read more.
The Ad Tech Bubble Is Set to Burst (For Real This Time!)
Jig’s up, guys. The new book “Subprime Attention Crisis,” by Tim Hwang, former Global Public Policy Lead for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Google, says the ad tech bubble is going to go pop just like the subprime mortgage market a dozen years ago. Read more.
Publisher Forum+ Announced
Have you heard about PubForum+? It's AdMonster's winter event for everyone in the advertising-driven media world and it's taking place DEC 8-10, 2020 virtually. We'll have keynotes from Rich Antoniello, CEO, Complex Networks and Jackson Jeyanayagam, Vice President and General Manager of the Direct-to-Consumer Businesses, The Clorox Company, plus breakouts, small-group workshops, 1-to-1 matchmaking, virtual activities, and happy hours. Register now!
Top Stories
We caught up with Alicia Ray, Founder of The Ad Tech Collective, a community for Black people in ad tech to network and learn from one another within ad tech. She was a participant on the Minority Report Podcast Live session and she has some great ideas about how companies can get serious about their DEI efforts. Read more.
It’s Think Tank season for AdMonsters and this past week we caught up with a number of publishers to talk through a range of topics thanks to ADvendio. The pubs that joined us were what I would classify as mid-sized publishers–their operations teams are relatively small. It was interesting to learn how the past few months went for publishers and a few common themes that emerged. Read more.
We decided now was a perfect time to survey publishers to understand their current header (and Open Bidding) setups while seeing what they were plotting for an ambiguous future. We asked 35 publishers of various sizes and content verticals to fill out an intense questionnaire, and the results were extremely illuminating. Read more.
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