October 1, 2020
You Gotta Sell Self-Serve
This past week we caught up with a number of mid-sized pubs to talk through a range of topics thanks to ADvendio. It was interesting to learn how the past few months went for them and a few common themes emerged, says AdMonsters Chairman, Rob Beeler. "'Build it and they will come' isn’t going to work for many publishers," he says. "Yes, you want that storefront open for someone to buy on their own. But if you’re looking for real revenue gains, self-serve is something you have to sell." Read more.
AdMonsters Playbook: Evolution of the Header
We decided now was a perfect time to survey publishers to understand their current header (and Open Bidding) setups while seeing what they were plotting for an ambiguous future. We asked 35 publishers of various sizes and content verticals to fill out an intense questionnaire, and the results were extremely illuminating. Read more.
Webinar: Is This the Rebound?
In this webinar, sponsored by eyeo, we'll be joined by Sergei Bachtin, Senior Director, Global Revenue Operations, The Economist Group and Sophie Toth, Programmatic and Ad Tech Lead, Euronews to discuss what publishers are expecting during the fourth quarter, how they’re preparing for an uncertain future beyond that, and how their audience relationships are evolving. You’ll hear about whether guaranteed buys are making a comeback, challenges in programmatic,  preparations for the third-party cookie’s exit and privacy compliance, plus more. Register now!
Top Stories
After taking a massive hit from COVID-19, pubs' resiliency led to efficiently working-from-home, successfully diversifying revenue, and employing tools like automation and self-service to manage workflow and capture smaller budget spend. Recently, we chatted with a number of pubs at a roundtable discussion about planning for tomorrow’s very different ad market, hosted by DanAds. This is what they had to say. Read more.
In a recent AdMonsters Webinar with Permutive, Goodbye Cookie, Hello New Data Strategy, Nathan Bell, SVP, Data and Business Analytics and Rachael McCombs, Sr. Director of Ad and Media Operations shared why Digital Trends decided to work with Permutive and how it is developing its first-party data strategy. Read more.
For publishers to get the most out of media quality measurement, they need tools that facilitate communication on brand safety with the buy side and formalize best practices. In addition, a media quality data aggregation platform could empower publishers to optimize campaigns as well as make smarter revenue-related decisions. Read more.
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