September 17, 2020
Actionable Audience Data and Inventory—No Cookies Required
We spoke with Jake Abraham, President at Audigent about why he thought pubs seemed a little gun shy about identity solutions, how they should go about showcasing their first-party data as well as how Audigent plans to help them drive revenue by making their audience data and inventory actionable for advertisers in a cookieless world. Read more.
What Is IDFA?
It’s true that most people in the advertising world know more about IDFA than they did six months ago, but the twists and turns of the privacy plot are worth exploring. We asked Isaac Schechtman, Senior Director of Product Strategy at BidSwitch to catch us up on everything going on with Apple's IDFA. He walks us through its history, to the present-day and what we can expect in the future. Read more.
Webinar: Is This the Rebound?

We're bringing together a panel of revenue specialists from the US and Europe, with the support of eyeo, for an intimate discussion where they'll talk about what publishers are expecting during the fourth quarter, how they’re preparing for an uncertain future beyond that, and how their audience relationships are evolving. You’ll hear about: Whether guaranteed buys are making a comeback; Challenges in programmatic—open and private marketplaces; Integrating new revenue streams; Preparations for the third-party cookie’s exit; How gauging user experience has changed during the pandemic; Privacy compliance and TCF 2.0, plus much more. Register now.

Top Stories
When it comes to diversity and inclusion, Melissa Bonnick, SVP, Client Results, Dentsu Aegis Network and Rachael McCombs, Sr. Director Ad and Media Operations, Digital Trends are effecting change within their organizations. So we invited them to talk with Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson to have a discussion about what they're doing at PubForum Virtual on Aug. 26, 2020. Watch the video from the event.
If Apple's plans to have each app ask users for tracking permissions becomes a reality, industry analysts predict low opt-in rates making IDFA access severely limited to advertisers. All at once, the SKAdNetwok framework has become an important measurement tool, one of the main ways advertisers will receive the attribution data for advertising campaigns on iOS. Read more.
Social media behemoth Facebook appears concerned about the rise of some new proposals from Apple and Google, specifically IsLoggedIn, and how it will cement more dominance of the tech giants over everyone else. Yep, A/G vs everybody. Reminds us of an Eminem Detroit collab. Could Facebook be an ally to the open web? Read more.
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