August 27, 2020
Media Quality Measurement: Finding Harmony With the Buy Side
For publishers to get the most out of media quality measurement, they need tools that facilitate communication on brand safety with the buy side and formalize best practices. A media quality data aggregation platform could empower publishers to optimize campaigns as well as make smarter revenue-related decisions. Read more.
Pubs Extol the Upside of the Pandemic
After taking a massive hit from COVID-19, publishers' resiliency led to efficiently working-from-home, successfully diversifying revenue, and employing tools like automation and self-service to manage workflow and capture smaller budget spend. Recently, we chatted with a number of pubs at a roundtable Think Tank discussion, hosted by DanAds, to talk about planning for tomorrow’s very different ad market. These are their stories about the upside of the pandemic. Read more.
Goodbye Cookie, Hello New Data Strategy
The depreciation of the third-party cookie is transforming the digital advertising industry, so publishers better re-evaluate their whole data strategy. Easier said than done, right? Fortunately, Digital Trends’ revenue team is here to share how they seized the moment and overhauled their entire data offering, and even building out a first-party data marketplace. During this conversational webinar on September 10, 1 PM ET, they’ll share their long, transformative journey, and how they’re constantly iterating to improve their data story. Register now!
Top Stories
Shifting our mindset from notice and choice will not be easy and will require agreement in an ecosystem of competing interests. However, in the long term, both consumers and businesses may benefit from this change. Privacy expert, Jessica B, Lee breaks down the alternative to the failing notice and choice framework. Read more.
In this episode of Minority Report Podcast, hosts Kerel Cooper, SVP Global Marketing, LiveIntent, and  Erik Requidan, Founder & CEO, Tradecraft Advisory speak with PubForum Virtual Keynote, Walter T. Geer III, Executive Creative Director, Experience Design at VMLY&R about his career journey, how he's using this moment in time to help open doors for others, why he feels brands will get closer to the everyday life of a consumer, and much more. Read more.
It looks like the UK Competition and Market Authority’s Online Platforms and Digital Advertising Market Study reanalyzed Google’s very own data (you know when they found a 52% reduction in publisher revenue without cookies) finding that publishers' revenues could actually fall up to 70%. Read more.
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