July 30, 2020
Dear Publisher, Your Site Needs A Health Check
With Google’s end-of-May announcement that they will be using Google Pagespeed Insights metrics as a major part of search engine rankings a few months from now, publishers are suddenly scrutinizing page performance—and worried about how ads affect their metrics. Playwire CTO Nick Branstator explores how Google's expanded use of Core Web Vitals in its search engine algorithm can conflict with your ad tech—and what you can do about it. Read more.
Driving Revenue Through Deeper Audience Connections
Nationally syndicated radio host Kim Komando found the perfect tool to help her connect with her tech and media-savvy audience at the right time in the right place across multiple channels. The data she collects from their engagement on her owned and operated, as well as on social channels, is then used to better shape and personalize other forms of messaging and advertising. While there are no experts in the ever-changing world of digital media, we trust she knows what she's talking about. She's been know to send a total of 40M messages in just one month and still receive a 50% open rate. Watch this webinar on-demand to learn her secrets.
One Day Left To Register For PubForum Virtual Free!
Have you registered for Publisher Forum Virtual, August 25-26, a two-day conference for digital media and revenue ops leaders? We have keynotes featuring digital leaders from TripAdvisor and TBWA\WorldHealth, sessions on CCPA, cookies, CTV, security gaps, UX, and much more; as well as conversations about tackling workplace diversity and inclusion in ad tech. Registration is FREE until July 31 for digital media professionals from publishers, brands and agencies. Reserve your seat now and access all the same great PubForum content. There's even small-group workshops, 1-1 networking, and happy hours and activities. Register now!
Top Stories
The CPRA proposes significant amendments to the CCPA, with many of the proposed rules bearing similarity with those of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While there are many areas of the CCPA that would be updated, in this installment of Decoder, Serafin Lion Engel, CEO of Datawallet, focuses on the amendments specifically important to the online advertising ecosystem, as the CPRA introduces rules meant to address the current ambiguity surrounding AdTech and Real-Time-Bidding (RTB). Read more.
Facebook is ankle-deep in troubles as of late. First, there's the big tech antitrust hearing. There's the battle with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to get publishers paid for their content appearing in feeds. There's the mega advertiser boycott against the social media giant's hands-off approach to misinformation and hate speech. And then there are legit brands knocking the big F's door down to get fake ads falsely representing their companies of the network. Will FB finally be forced to change its ways? Read more.
As the sunset of the third-party tracking cookie approaches, one of the most promising options—enabling publishers to monetize their audiences and advertisers to address audiences with confidence—is identity or people-based marketing. This playbook, created in partnership with Lotame, dives into identity as a concept and explains the wealth of advantages an identity-based individual ID offers both brands and publishers. Download the playbook now!
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