July 23, 2020
Demystifying Identity
In this wide-ranging though highly in-depth conversation, LiveRamp SVP and Head of Publishers JasonWhite breaks down how identity works in a highly digestible fashion. He also dives into messaging consumers, how LiveRamp helps publishers identify and increase their authenticated traffic, whether brand marketers are getting on the identity train, and how identity can help a constricting programmatic ecosystem expand once again.  Read more.
Is W3C Listening to Smaller Companies?
We heard about a letter sent to the W3C Advisory Board, signed by 19 W3C members, asking for an intervention because they felt that the voices of members from smaller organizations were not being recognized or taken seriously. The top name on this letter was James Rosewell, CEO and Co-Founder of 51Degrees. We knew Rosewell from working with us as a developer source on the death of Chrome's User-Agent String. We caught up with him to learn what was behind the concerns raised in the letter, as well as a W3C proposal for success criteria. Read more.
Publisher Forum Goes Virtual Aug 25-26
We’re excited to announce the Publisher Forum Virtual, August 25-26, a two-day conference for digital media and revenue ops leaders. The event is open to digital media professionals from publishers, brands and agencies, and registration is FREE if you register by July 31. Reserve your seat now to access all the same great Publisher Forum content—keynotes, small-group workshops, 1-1 networking, even happy hours and activities. Viva la Virtual! Register now!
Top Stories
For the last couple of years, the financial services category has lead in digital ad spend and during the pandemic, even when multitudes of people are out of work, it seems to be no different. AdMonsters Senior Editor, Lynne d Johnson, spoke with  Rachel Tuffney, EVP, Dianomi, an advertising platform for financial services, to learn about the current trends within financial ad spend and how premium publishers could take advantage of this shift, as well as the future of advertising. Read more.
Amazon is the latest to note that inventory from its Amazon Publisher Services SSP doesn’t take a fee when purchased through the company’s proprietary DSP. In addition, notes Advertising Technology Product Marketing Team Lead Zach Schapira, this helps Amazon’s advertising clientele “secure 10% lower clearing prices versus accessing the same publishers through third-party exchanges. Read more.
The antiquated idea that SSPs are publisher defenders and DSPs are buyer advocates has created a gulf—one might say a black hole of pricing machinations and Russian-Doll-style auctions that threatens to suck away the benefits of the open ecosystem entirely. Key to bridging that gap—or plugging the black hole—is traffic shaping. Read more.
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