June 25, 2020
Five Questions for Evaluating Cookieless Publisher Solutions
While the needs of each publisher may be slightly different, generally there are five questions every publisher should ask when evaluating whether or not a cookieless solution is right for them. Any solution that satisfies these criteria will likely enable publishers to sustain and grow ad revenue, while simultaneously establishing and building trust with individuals and key partners. Read more.
Now Comes the Fun Part: Activating Identity
You took a really big step by adding an identity partner, but like most things in ad tech you can’t expect to flip a switch and watch the magic happen. Activation, though, is where things get exciting—sure you’ll be able to garner looks from new advertisers and grab higher CPMs, but you’ll also get a better understanding of your audience. “Better” doesn’t do it justice—you will have the sweeping comprehension of your user base that you have always dreamed of. Not only will that open up fresh opportunities for sales and product, these learnings can be shared across the whole organization to tighten the revenue team’s bonds with other departments. Read more.
Building the Privacy-forward Future of Advertising
While there’s no need to panic about the disappearing third-party cookie, this is a prime moment to brainstorm post-cookie plans for your organization and determine how you can play a part in the industry’s massive transformation. In this special webinar, Mark Wolly, Head of Google’s Publisher Data & Privacy Solutions, will discuss how Google’s approaching the future of advertising and offer insight into how the Privacy Sandbox proposals spearheaded by Chrome are being developed. Register now.
Top Stories
“It’s time to think about messaging channels to reconnect with audiences during times of uncertainty and stress," says Jeff Kupietzky CEO of Powerinbox. Enter browser push notifications, an exciting new channel that can help publishers create personalized, automated messaging that can be monetized across devices. On June 18, we hosted a webinar with Powerinbox, featuring publishers from IQVIA and Assembly who are have added a little push to their personalization efforts and experienced amazing results. Here are the top five takeaways. Read more.
The rumor mill was running wild with speculation that Apple was about to mercilessly slay the iOS app-based advertising tracker, IDFA. Well, good-ish news—IDFA lives! But with iOS 14, it’s opt-in now. Through the newly minted AppTrackingTransparency framework, if an app wants to “track” users and share that data with third parties, they can show a pop-up very similar to the cues asking permission for sharing location data. But what does “tracking” actually include? Read more.
The #StopHateForProfit Facebook advertising boycott, launched against the social media giant for continuously allowing hate speech and misinformation to exist on its platform, is steadily growing steam. Could this create an opportunity for publishers as brands seek to reallocate their ad spend? Folio Senior Editor, Greg Dool,  weighs in. Read more.
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