June 18, 2020
Webinar Replay: Personalization With a Push
In this video recap of our webinar with Powerinbox, Personalization With a Push, publishers Max Dennis, Director of Audience Development, Assembly and Chip Schaible Director of National Account Sales, IQVIA join Powerinbox's CEO Jeff Kupietzky to discuss their experiences with leveraging browser push notifications. You'll learn all about the intricacies of this burgeoning channel, as well as its massive revenue potential.  Read more.
Level Up Your Ad Ops Skills While Working From Home
We caught up with Brandon Gains, VP of Marketing at MonetizeMore to learn more about why his company teamed up with PubGuru to launch PubGuru University to bring AdSense and GAM training to ad ops professionals. We also talked about strategies for bringing teams closer together through training during stay-at-home orders.  Read more.
What Is Demand Path Optimization (DPO)?
In the advertising industry, we are always looking for ways to be more efficient. This is especially true for media owners who are hoping to monetize their desirable content and audiences with the least amount of steps in between. Enter Demand Path Optimization which can clean up the media selling process by increasing brand safety and allowing for better user and advertiser experiences. Read more.
Top Stories
In a blog post, Jounce Media writes that “[a]s of June 15, 42% of the websites and apps that authorize Google as a seller [in ads.txt files] have no matching seller ID in Google’s sellers.json file….” This “unmapped sellers” phenomenon occurs in the sellers.json accounts of other exchanges and SSPs, typically if a seller turns off a demand channel and fails to update their ads.txt, but at far lower rates than Google. Read more.
Mobile monetization strategies are about the bigger picture—a coordinated effort around several distinct digital publishing areas that ensure both better user experience and optimal monetization. Better site performance means increased pageviews, equaling more impressions and ultimately higher revenue. This playbook, created in partnership with Marfeel, will dive into the nuances of each of the areas mentioned above, illustrate how they are interconnected, and assist you in making your mobile web performance the best it can be. Download it now!
It's a harrowing time. First, we were hit with the COVID pandemic, and in recent weeks, protests and discussions about racial inequities in America have taken the main stage. One question to come out of the ad tech world was whether ad targeting is inherently biased. And then, what could be done about it. Let's go deep into this discussion through a Twitter thread from Aram Zucker-Scharff, Ad Engineering Director for RED at the Washington Post. Read more.
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