May 29, 2020
Managing Teams Remotely During a Crisis
A couple of weeks ago, we caught up with some folks in the AdMonsters publisher community for a virtual meetup and check-in and asked them to speak candidly about the many challenges they're facing and how they were not only surviving but thriving amid the pandemic. They talked about monetization strategies, improving processes and workflows, as well as managing relationships with partners and other teams inside their organizations. But one of the most prominent themes to emerge was how to manage teams remotely during a crisis. Here are a few takeaways. Read more.
How to Use Data to Align Reader's Interests With Advertiser's Needs
In the current state of affairs in the publishing world, when CPMs are down and budgets get universally leaner, it’s actually more important than ever to devote funds to data analysis in order to extract revenue from every possible channel you can. In this guide, Dominick Miserandino, CEO of Inquisitr, lays out a framework for using data to guide revenue and editorial decision making. Read more.
Webinar: Personalization Power at Scale
Push notifications have emerged as an exciting new channel for providing deep one-to-one and highly contextual experiences for audiences—they’re easy to implement and optimize across devices and the acquisition and retention rates are off the charts. But do we really know how to use them—at scale? In this webinar, you’ll join Jeff Kupietzky, CEO of Powerinbox and Max Dennis, Director of Audience Development at Assembly to learn about how personalization drives increased engagement and revenue, the push monetization opportunity, how to get people to opt-in, how to win over advertisers, plus a lot more! Register now.
Top Stories
Journalists breaking their media-company bonds to launch their own subscription brands could potentially make consumers more open to the idea of paying directly for content. It could also further flood an ocean of publishers looking to sign up subscribersRead more.
The slow demise of third-party cookies has left the advertising ecosystem awash in uncertainty—and a good deal of fear. Beyond the anxiety, publishers need to understand that this is actually an opportunity to reboot our industry and rebuild it based on trusted engagement. At the center of this movement is user authentication, but a great deal of confusion surrounds the process—even over what the term means. This webinar busts three prevailing myths about publisher authentication while sharing how the right strategy can drive success not just for you, but also the advertisers and audiences you serve. Watch the replay!
We're back with another entry in AdMonster's Discourse, the audio series that massages your eardrums while also informing you about the latest in digital media and advertising technology. In this episode, Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway spoke with AdLightning CEO and Founder Scott Moore and Freestar VP of Business Development Laura Gaffney about the latest malvertiser schemes; how publishers can protect users; whether there’s any relief from scummy mask ads that are even testing Google’s limits; and if there’s a slippery slope if a pub lets a few bad ads in. Listen now.
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