May 21, 2020
Bad Ads, Whatcha Gonna Do?
We're back with another entry in AdMonster's Discourse, the audio series that massages your eardrums while also informing you about the latest in digital media and advertising technology. In this edition, AdMonsters Editorial Director, Gavin Dunaway grabbed AdLightning CEO and Founder Scott Moore and Freestar VP of Business Development Laura Gaffney to talk about the latest malvertiser schemes; how publishers can protect users; whether there’s any relief from scummy mask ads that are even testing Google’s limits; and if there’s a slippery slope if a pub lets a few bad ads in. Listen now!
Webinar Replay: Debunking Authentication Myths
The slow demise of third-party cookies has left the advertising ecosystem awash in uncertainty—and a good deal of fear. Beyond the anxiety, publishers need to understand that this is actually an opportunity to reboot our industry and rebuild it based on trusted engagement. At the center of this movement is user authentication, but a great deal of confusion surrounds the process—even over what the term means. This webinar busts three prevailing myths about publisher authentication while sharing how the right strategy can drive success not just for you, but also the advertisers and audiences you serve. Watch the replay!
Intensely Investigating Identity Issues
On top of their pandemic woes, publishers need to begin preparing for Life Beyond Cookies—key to that will be identity marketing and traffic authentication, but our most recent PubForum in Santa Monica showed there's a great deal of confusion about these concepts. To prepare for our webinar on Debunking Authentication Myths on Wednesday, May 20 (register now!), Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway caught up with LiveRamp SVP and Head of Publishers Jason White to clear up some questions about identity, privacy, and... and well, just exactly what role LiveRamp serves in the digital advertising ecosystem. Read more.
Top Stories
In this week's issue:
  • Supply Partners Caught in Content-Scraping Sting
  • Google’s Antitrust Reckoning Looms
  • There’s Gold in Them Thar’ (Publisher) Hills
  • UniversalAdId For VAST Laggards
Read more.
One of the most important reasons for publishers to jump on the identity train is to get connected to the advertisers' bigger targeting picture. To understand just how identity accomplishes this, behold the Identity Pyramid. This lists the various identity signals in terms of prevalence (most at the bottom) and value (least valuable at the bottom, most at the top). Click here to behold its gloriousness. 
Marfeel asked AdMonster Editorial Director Gavin Dunaway to lead a programmatic panel with heavy hitters from Leaf Group,, Amnet, and more. As you can imagine, it's highly engaging—the talk circles around how the programmatic ecosystem is adjusting in the pandemic fallout, especially with The Trade Desk's demand that exchanges and SSPs de-dupe auctions, and how it was going to look after we weathered this crisis (whenever that may be). Of course, they couldn't talk about the latter without discussing the future of targeting and measuring with the cookie out the door. Watch now! 
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