May 8, 2020
During COVID-19, Commerce is More Important Than Ever for Publishers. Here's What They Should Know.
Traffic is up. Ad revenues are down. COVID-19 has turned publishing on its head, and publishers are scrambling to find new ways to diversify revenues under changing conditions. It’s not impossible. It’s just different. The ever-evolving media landscape is accelerating down an unexpected course. Here’s what we can do about it. Read more.
Webinar: Debunking Authentication Myths 
In this webinar, we’ll bust three prevailing myths about publisher authentication while sharing how the right strategy can drive success not just for you, but also the advertisers and audiences you serve. Join LiveRamp’s Senior Vice President and Head of Publishers Jason White and guests as they explore these “mythconceptions,” discuss who is winning when it comes to innovating on first-party data, and extrapolate how publishers can determine their total available opportunitySign up now! 
PubForum Video: Keynote Elgin Kim, Lab1492, on Making Mobile Pay
"We're at a point now where we're going to have to focus on that one-to-one relationship," says mobile expert Elgin Kim, Partner, Lab1492. In this wide-ranging fireside chat with AdMonsters Chairman Rob Beeler, Kim explores the biggest operational and date challenges in apps and mobile web currently while tapping into the most exciting mobile opportunities. Read more.
Top Stories

In this week's issue…

🔏CCPA Privacy Requests Ramp Up
🔥Browser Hookup For 'Burner' Emails
⛰Beware the Slippery Slope to Bottom
🧼NY Times Washes Local Pubs' Hands
🕵️‍♀️The Hunt For Alternative Affiliate Revenue

Read more.

"Approximately 200 million ad-block users have opted in to receive Acceptable Ads globally," says Tim Cronin, VP of Sales, AAX. Isn't that an audience that publishers should be monetizing right now? On AdMonsters April 30, 2020, Webinar, Cronin with Jayson Dubin, CEO and Founder, Playwire, and Jason Tollestrup, VP, Programmatic Strategy & Yield, Washington Post, talked about approaches to re-engage the highly active, tech-savvy and educated ad-blocker audience. Read more.
As the third-party tracking cookie fades into the ether, one of the most promising options—enabling publishers to monetize their audiences and advertisers to address audiences with confidence—is identity or people-based marketing. This playbook, created in partnership with Lotame, dives into identity as a concept and explains the wealth of advantages an identity-based individual ID offers both brands and publishers. Download now!
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