April 30, 2020
Now Trending: Inpowered on the Coronavirus Surge in Mission-based Marketing
Ad spend is down, but the IAB Coronavirus Buy-Side Report reveals an interesting trend: brands are increasing mission-based marketing efforts by 42% and cause-related campaigns by 41%. The pivot is working for brands. Recent research shows that consumers still want ads, but only about brands' COVID-19 response. We spoke with Peyman Nilforoush, CEO & Co-Founder, inPowered about the trends in mission-based marketing. Read more.
Webinar Replay: The Revenue Boost You Could Use Right Now
"Approximately 200 million ad-block users have opted in to receive Acceptable Ads globally," says Tim Cronin, VP of Sales, AAX. Isn't that an audience that publishers should be monetizing right now? On AdMonsters April 30, 2020, Webinar, Cronin with Jayson Dubin, CEO and Founder, Playwire, and Jason Tollestrup, VP, Programmatic Strategy & Yield, Washington Post, talked about approaches to re-engage the highly active, tech-savvy and educated ad-blocker audience. Read more.
AdMonsters Playbook: The Identity Connection

As the third-party tracking cookie nears death, one of the most promising options enabling publishers to better monetize their high-quality audiences in any browser or cookieless environment; and advertisers to address audiences with confidence across platforms, devices and contexts—is identity or people-based marketing. This playbook, created in partnership with Lotame, dives into identity as a concept and explains the wealth of advantages an identity-based individual ID offers both brands and publishers. Read more.

Top Stories

In this week's issue: 

  1. The Trade Desk Demands Suppliers Choose a Path 
  2. Apple is Baking up Another Walled Garden
  3. Viewability: Hand Sanitizer for Web Sites
  4. Facebook's Sketchy Privacy-focused Future
  5. Google Needs to Check Your ID
  6. WaPo's Zeus Picks Up 50 Pubs â€‹

Read more.

With millions of people worldwide now homebound from stay-at-home orders and screentime exponentially increasing, esports has emerged as a live sports and gaming alternative. In recent weeks, Twitch reported usage increases in both gaming and non-gaming content. “We're working with organizations across music, sports, esports, and more as people look for ways to connect with their fans and communities during this time," says a spokesperson from the live streaming platform. Read more.
The mobile web has long been viewed as trash—a bad UX driven by slow-loading pages and poorly positioned and obtrusive ads. Guess what? Mobile web monetization is directly linked to providing a quality UX enabling optimum user engagement. Good thing there's a roadmap for achieving this. It starts with PWAs and AMP together helping publishers deliver faster, richer mobile experiences while saving time and money. And better site performance leads to increased pageviews and impressions, bringing publishers higher revenue, Read more.
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